
long time...

by - Tuesday, December 09, 2008

miss me?
sorry~ have been working for the past 3 days..and i am tired after work everyday..so didnt blog.

i love working with the people there..

sat, first day at work...
went there early..started work at 1245pm...should be at 1pm. imma punctual worker..hahaha!
first day was abit scary for me..cos i dont noe alot of things. plus, imma samsung promoter yet there were people asking me about sony ericsson, nokia and LG..lols! i was like 'omg~ how i noe? im not even veryvery clear about my own phones' hahah~ but lucky the colleagues there help me alot!!! (: they are 3 shop staffs and a iphone promoter. kay~ the 4 of them know almost everything...so pro! im like a loser..hahaha! but hey~ imma newcomer! (:
didnt eat dinner cos i am not hungry..hahhaa! went home at 9:30pm...

sun, second day at work...
met family for breakfast..erjie passed me my timesheet. den uncle sent me and erjie to my workplace. erjie went to take a look at the shop i am working...okay~ she knows the people there. hahaha~ served many customers...but i think i did a bad job lars..superb bad job.. hahaha~
so nice of the supervisor to buy me dinner..had dinner with them... back to work after dinner. ohya, the iphone promoter right? actually is a good fren of a friend of mine...wow! so coincidence. he knows steven and yongcai. wow~ hahaha!!!

monday, 3rd day of work..last day at toa payoh.
reached early for work again..(:
good worker~
there is a new colleague...
i love the 3rd day most compared to the last 2 days...but is not that the last 2 days were bad lars...great but not as great as tdy..LOLS!
i forgot the new colleague's name..but she was nice..she bought me milk tea..and doesnt want me to pay back..i feel so bad till now...hehs!
one male colleague bought me nuggets meal..thankyou!!! ate it quite late cos there were many people..hahah!
ohya, the weather damn cold kays! we were like kept saying cold cold~ hahah! natural wind plus air-con..
i saw kampong kia!!! it's like been ages and ages lars!! another coincidence!!
okay... there was also a funny incident..wherby our supervisor farted..LOLS! then the male colleague came out and tell us.. we burst into laughters lars! so funny!
my new colleague accompanied me to 159 bus stand..hahah! thankyou!

today, omg! stayed at home whole day...feeling tired. i gave the yearly promoter xmas party a miss..anyway, i have no mood also.. LOLS!

i really love my 3 days work at toa payoh! really~ i meet great people..they are really fun people to work with...imagine it's only 3 short days with them...if i work longer, i think 'omg~ i can laugh till faint'...u know why? they talked to me...doesnt give me cold shoulder just becos im noob and new to them. another thing is becos they know my cousin...but i dont mean that becos of my cousin they cant bully or wad..maybe they can hate me too. hahaha~
okay, i will miss them...if i ever go toa payoh walk walk, i will drop by and say hello! if i ever get deploy back to that place...i am willing..provided the people doesnt change..hahaha!

okays...now i am waiting for my next deployment..faster find me!!! i want to work..cos i want $$..no lars...im not a money-faced. hahah!

off now!

i miss my girls..

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