

by - Thursday, December 04, 2008

slacking at home...

met shiting and trained to somerset to meet adeline..
ya, my bird is back!!!! hahahaha~
caught Beverly Hills Chi Hua Hua... funny movie...abit touching at the end. (:
after that, went Taka. some people not there. got change? dont noe~~
went kinokuniya.. bought a book by Nicholas Sparks.
went far east.. some clothes are nice..might be going there again to shop..hahaha!!!
i saw various new shops selling korea clothes.. shall bring my ATM..haha~ my mummy lars with me..(:
shiting bought her present..
weiting and me went to eat at Long John Silver while adeline and shiting went home.
there was this group of girls seating beside us...confirm they are kpop fans! hahaha~
cos they were talking about 2PM, Shinee...this is what i heard lars..
so if any of u tend to drop by my blog..say 'hi!'.kays? imma kpop fan too!

after dinner, went back to taka...see debbie again..abit slack uh?
look at some cute stuff..i wanna buy them..esp the memos!!! omg! mickey mouse!!
no money~ havent get my pay yet!! pls call me soon for my pay!!!!!!!
back to compass after that.
bought a dvd...new heart.
this kdrama is gonna be show on Channel U soon.
but i bought it to watch in advance. if not, i will be bored to death...LOLS!

stayed at home the whole day..woke up at 11+..good! cos time passes quickly..LOLS!
ate my breakfast,,
watched dvd!!
finished disc 1..ep 5..
tmr continuing..(:
read abit on my storybook also...
but i am gonna read it slowly..since i have plenty of time..hahaha~

oh ya...
there is a new spree at my blogshop again!
this spree contains both girls and boys clothings!! yes! boys~
not very ex lars~
check it out!!!!
discounts will be given!!

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