
by - Friday, December 05, 2008


another day at home..hahaha!!
woke up 11++ again...haha!
watched dvd...really like the show..teaches me alot.
how selfish people can be..everyone has their own dreams..but we must think of others too.

ohya, erjie's fren called me.
got to work this weekend and monday...3 days at toa payoh..
1pm - 9pm..
oh my~ quite far?
but at least got $$
this month gonna spend quite alot.
and i think it will be my first time have xmas party?
cos i dont rmb having one at all..
so sad right?
my family doesnt celebrate xmas..hahaha!
i dont have gifts on xmas de..
sad hors?

alright~ hope my new job will be better than the last one!
i think i have become more friendly lers nors!
i am smiling alot...that's good!
i love seeing smiles...

off to watch dvd!
and sleep early~~

oops~ i havent memorise the models..ahh shucks!


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