
sorry girls...

by - Friday, December 19, 2008

yesterday, piggy ting asked me out..
so met her and adeline at cp in the noon.
went raffles place cos they going interview. LOLS~
it's near where joanne and charmaine work..saw charmaine..she brought us to the place..
and she very funny lars. adeline almost said something very wrong. lucky, she stopped. if not, i tink she will be a dead bird then..hhahah~ after their interview, went to visit joanne and charmaine..i bought things from the shop.. then said byebye~
proceeded to PS next. ate my lunch at long john..then shop around.adeline and weitng bought their passport pockets..
okay, i swear to go back to PS comic connections.. hahaha!
went arcade for awhile..and i saw byrant from far away..but he's leaving.. sms-ed him.. LOLS!
then, we walked to orchard.went heeren. saw a dress...i like it..but it's the shop that sort of cheated weiting's $$..so i think i will stick to online shopping then.. LOLS!
bought NEWS color at HMV..wanna buy Big Bang and TVXQ...but i tink my mummy would axe me to death.. hahaha! so i did not buy...

went kinokuniya..okay..
we were alaf-ing most of our time. was looking for organiser..but they are quite ex...and my mummy again, would chop me up to pieces if i buy..hahaha!!
so we went reading on 2009's horoscope book. okay, we were noisy. and there was the man suddenly asked us to 'not block the way'..and he's was actually taking the same book as us to read. fcuk man! so damn no manners lars..i went joking saying what's his horoscope..and i will never fall in love with that horoscope.. LOLS!
joanne came to find us...added to the fun.. i miss joanne damn lot cos after adeline's bdae, i have not seen that girl till yesterday. ya!
went cine to settle our dinner.
then home...cos it was late.

sorry girls~ sunday's outing have to cancel again.
it's like always me.. so sorry~
first, last last week, we actually wanna go eat prawn mee but last min i have to work.
then, postpone to last week. again, i have work. to this week, i have family matters to attend.
sorry~ but maybe we shall go out on xmas? and xmas eve is out meeting!
however, i cant get to see chaywei..nvm~ i go CP find her! hahahaha~


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