
ups and downs..

by - Friday, October 24, 2008

im here again!

ytd's geog was 'OMG!'.. 8 marks flew off...have no time to check through every question..so sad! now left ss to finalise my humanities grade! i hope to get a B3.. please~~!!

today math p1.. it was an average paper for me. hahaha~ but compared to last year, this year is easier. and i wanna thank god again. haha~ really! ytd i was doing my tys..and i did yr 2006. guess wad? questions almost the same came out today! oh my~ so god really love us! haha~ i am gonna do good for my p2 so that grades will be pull up! bless me!

physics is next. im worse for that...but i will try my best.. who knows it may turn out like chem! hahaha~dont always prepare for the worst.. prepare everything..make sure that u are in tip top condition!

heard that juniors are all on holidays now. so GOOOOODDD! i want my long long, superb long holidaysssSS! im left with physics,math p2, poa, sci MCQ, SS! did i left out anything?
6 more papers!
endure awhile more 5Ns!

off now!
i need to sleep nehs.. feeling damn tired.
oh! BoA's Eat You Up damn hotttt!
her first america single!
pls support!
BoA jjang!

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