
going on...

by - Thursday, October 09, 2008


went airport to study with piggy ting yesterday.
she were both on time.. hahahas!
we spent some time searching for Mac. i even wanted to go info to ask.. LOLS!
we studied 9plus almost 10pm... nice uh? but i managed to study whole of chem notebook. i have the contents in me lers.. hahas! now left with QA! but becos i have been memorising QA...now it's just recap...and i can stop looking at chem...and go on with egeog. yes! so happy that im on task! hahahas!
next thur is the start of my olevel! scary lehs!

ohya... on tuesday.. i went to watch Kurosagi with josette. no regrets man!
yamapi so kawaii! hahhas!

okay...i have the vids on Code Blue...but i will study first then watch!

off now!

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