
by - Monday, October 06, 2008

okays... back from xtra lesson..(:

i couldnt wake up today...
after lesson, went coffee shop for breakfast..and home with sotong ting!
she changed her phone..congrats! LOLS~ sorry, cos i have nothing to blog.
i will be going back tmr again for egeog. may look for poa teachers..i seriously need an A for poa!

did i tell you about my backbone?
i couldnt sit nicely now becos it hurts like not more than 5mins after i sit down. or even i stand~ i need to change posture. cannot exaggerate too much.. it's quite worrying cos it's not the first time it hurts..but this time, it even worst. adding to that, i played PE on friday which add on the pain.. i felt it on saturday. now, the pain is still there. im quite annoyed by it. rahh~

tmr, gonna catch kurosagi with josette. okay, i know it's quite weird. hahas! but we both like mahs! anyone wanna join? just give me a msg!
i think it's nice lars... cos i watched abit of the drama. but to clarify, the movie has nothing to do with the drama..as in the storyline is diff from the drama. just that the characters remain the same. am i right? hahahas!
whatever lars... i find it nice can lers!

go upload pics now... check my cyworld later...for pics.
and study later!

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