i cant believe tomorrow is friday. REALLLYYY!and monday will be SS..i think many of us are already on holiday mood..most of us have 3 more..for me, after tmr will be 2 more!time really passes like rocket! LOLSSS!i am excited and nervous at the same time.. excited becos the tiring Os are gonna be over..nervous becos my used-to-be best subject, POA, is just tmr.. i wanna scored an A for it. i think i can do...
YESH!!the irritating physics is gone! G-O-N-E!hehs!left the house early today... the weather today is no good! damn freaking humid kays? i kept sweating nors!chaywei was quite frustrated by studying physics..she even went to the toilet! haha! okay, my frens were all frustrated... normally, maths makes us mad..but this time, physics made us extremely mad! hahaha~ i hated that the teacher have to call out to the chairman to mark attendance everyday..cos i wanna make use...
NEWS Winter Tour - Party Diamond!!i am, once again, attracted by him..after watching Code Blue! credit: baidu ...
dont u tink i am blogging alot?never mind lars.. i like!having a short break after looking at those irritating experiments. LOLS!okay.. physics is tmr.. and i am not 100% prepared. i dont noe why.. as in i did study. i even burnt night oil trying to get things in my mini brain..stopped listening to music while studying, to concertrate.. i still have a feeling that i wont do well or the paper will be tough....
i can sense danger for physics...i see no light for poa...this week gonna a tragic week for me..i wanna cry... but i dont wanna give up.if i say i can make it, will i?starting to have doubts......lucky, i have to study experiments tomorrow.. left with more easy topics to memorise...and i shall go on to poa...i shall burn night oil today....to complete my physics...hais!I WANT FREEDOM!wanna be freed from the sickening Os!!!! ...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SHITING!our beloved sotong nehs! hahaha~let me start ranting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!have been study physics all day...and now, there are still tons of experiments, formulars and definitions for me to memorise!!!!!!!!!!!!experiments alone can take up quarter of my memory space! ahhhhhhhh~ why physics so difficult! i wanna cry man! and i have to study POA toooooo! fuck fuck!!! why they place poa after physics!!!!!!!!!!!!omg! first week of exams seemed to be more relaxing...but second week, to...
wad the hell man!i just could not be focus...my hope for POA simply get smaller and smaller. from wanting to achieve an A to now... i dont know what grades will i get? oh fuck man!wadever, gonna do physics right now...and accounts at night!and i know WONDER GIRLS are coming after next week...why cant the O's just disappear now?!!off now! ...
new spree! please support kays?http://wonder-fashion.blogspot.com/2008/10/secret-closet.htmlthankyou!any enquiries, please email wonderfashion@hotmail.com or contact me at my tagboard!hahaha!LOVE! ...
hello!im here again!ytd's geog was 'OMG!'.. 8 marks flew off...have no time to check through every question..so sad! now left ss to finalise my humanities grade! i hope to get a B3.. please~~!!today math p1.. it was an average paper for me. hahaha~ but compared to last year, this year is easier. and i wanna thank god again. haha~ really! ytd i was doing my tys..and i did yr 2006. guess wad? questions almost the...
my period came at the wrong time..causing disturbance for me.wonder how to sit calmly in the hall tomorrow for egeog. oh my~damn sickening.cant concerntrate much..but nevertheless, i will force myself to be okay.ABC man!luckily, i have contents of tourism in my brain.. just a little of recap and memorising..i am quite worry actually, cos i am using my humanities.off now!PEOPLE~ PLS TAG! ...
before i post anything!i realised that yesterday's post was my 1000th post!congrats!hahahas~okays...i should not post today...but since i have a bit of time..i shall write short short de...today was chemistry paper... before i went out, my mood was dampen by my parents...so i am having cold war with my father right now. he said something that really disappoint me. he finally says that im incapable. right, it sounded damn direct. i quickly wore my shoes...
tmr is the start of everything..so damn nervous right now...will i be able to do well?hope the questions will be manageable!!i need hopes in science!!:Doff to do last preparations!wish me good luck~please tag TAG! haiyo~ ...
this is what i am leading now!this is what i want myself to do every moment!this is how i treat my exams!good nite! ...
happy birthday to you!!it's my hubby's birthday today!!so sorry..i cant celeb with you~ hehes!i am busy with my exams ne!love you! i hope donghae have a nice birthday with suju today! lastly,good luck to all 5Ns..the real thing starts tomorrow!sleep well today!sci practical tmr~jiayou! and thanks to all wishes friends!so happy ne! ...
after this, i will continue to study...i am just so worry for my science. hais~ it's first paper(practical&chem)..so i guess, i will not be blogging again till i feel like? cos there is nothing for me to blog nowadays..have not been checking on my hubbies... occupy my brain with sci, maths, account, humanites etc...rahh~ after the fishing O, i am gonna go shop around.. even nothing to buy i will still go out! i wanna...
I dont know whether anyone of you have heard of it!There will be a Kpop Concert on the 4th Nov at Singapore Indoor Stadium.Kpop singers like Wonder Girls, 2PM, Jewelry, V.O.S etc will be at the concert.However, it was stated that tickets will not be sold at SISTIC.For more info on the festival/tickets, you may visit http://coolsmurf.wordpress.com/ orhttp://www.koreafestival2008.com for more details.(but the korea fest. website is not fully available now..i guess you may want to...
4 days left...and OoooSss is here!so fast hors?!so scared now!tmr, tue going back to school to ask questions...i think i meet my poa teacher tmr? see how first lars~ cos poa papers are the last few...:Doff now! ...
finally, i have finished watching Code Blue!!quite touching lars...wonder how will the special episode be like... have to wait till Spring 2009!gonna continue study lers!!off liaos! ...
currently taking a short break from memorising. hahahas!tell you what i am damn addicted to Code Blue.. darn man!i reccommend people who like Jdrama or Yamapi to watch...really nice..im like chiong-ing the drama as well as my studies. oh man!how i hope that now the Os are over. 12345!!nevertheless, i did study.. tell myself to finish my work and watch 1 epi per day!but now i have watch till epi 7 part A... going part...
hellos!went airport to study with piggy ting yesterday.she were both on time.. hahahas!we spent some time searching for Mac. i even wanted to go info to ask.. LOLS!we studied 9plus almost 10pm... nice uh? but i managed to study whole of chem notebook. i have the contents in me lers.. hahas! now left with QA! but becos i have been memorising QA...now it's just recap...and i can stop looking at chem...and go on with egeog....
yo!memorise quite alot of chem today. hees~sleeping soon...tmr lesson at 830am! gonna wake up early.i hope to finish revising chem by wed.. hahhas! hope so..next will be my fav. geog!tmr gonna see yamapi! hahaha! right, josette?news' song!i think this song is cute! hahaas!oh ya, nishikido new drama coming soon. read the sypnosis...seem interesting!shall watch it... but it's during olevel period..so guess i shall watch from youtube. hehs!anyone knows links to watch yamapi's code blue on...
okays... back from xtra lesson..(:i couldnt wake up today...after lesson, went coffee shop for breakfast..and home with sotong ting!she changed her phone..congrats! LOLS~ sorry, cos i have nothing to blog.i will be going back tmr again for egeog. may look for poa teachers..i seriously need an A for poa!:Ddid i tell you about my backbone?i couldnt sit nicely now becos it hurts like not more than 5mins after i sit down. or even i stand~...
morning!im early yea?was woken up by dont know which idiot! hahahas! so sickening~did nothing cos i still feel sleepy...hahhas!alright, i was pissed at something. i know i am being petty lars.. but whatever!just a slight comment!pls stop adding untruth things about my business to others. well, to think that i already give in 100%...pls dont take it for granted. this is not the way to treat people.OKAY?!ya, u spoilt my day..totally!so people~ just look around...
to me, the sun is always shining brightly up the sky.to be able to shine like the sun, i have to be persistent!one last post before i turn to my books.did a slight change on my blogskin.my mr kwon!i feel so relieved now.some times, i cant bring myself to trust.yes~ seen too much and hear too much, aint good at all!will be back to sch on mon and tue for xtra lessons.should be calling up...
heyya!yesterday was my last day in school... nonono! actually it's my study break from now till the start the my Os!it's a short week if u guys realised! hahahas~although i am supposed to like graduate with the 2007's batch..but i never regret graduating with this current batch of 5Ns. sometimes, i hate and love them..i only know they are very hyper when they come together. hees!after next week, it will be the time im facing...
credit: cyworldi simply love their style.i wanna wear clothes like them... the style.leave it after my exams!zeeeyaaa! ...
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