
by - Sunday, December 10, 2006

here am i again!!

wrk today. almost late... saw cartoon but din chat with her. din wrk at Wire O today. wrk with white hair uncle.. hahahaS~ he's so funny lars. joker~ lunch.. not really nice but i apreciate rongyi to choose fer us. hahahas~ hongyi's reaction was funny lars... he said: " wow~ look nice!".. but actually is 'nice' lars. hahahas~ rongyi felt very bad. den albert told her dat we din blame her. hahahas~ i really have no appetite these few daes. i feel hungry but i alwaes vomitted out wad i ate. WTH~ wad happened to me? went back to wrk after lunch. i bumped into 3 people when goin toilet.. 1st time, saw aizan smoking.. came out he asked me: " really dn wan my num ars?" i replied: " wan ur num fer wad?".. hahahas~ 2nd time, went to refill my water.. walkin back, saw alfred cuming out of the lift. 3rd time, came out of toilet, saw albert buying water. hahhaas~ i met so many pple outside the toilet. hahahas~ nice one. queue up fer scanning of hand. dat idiotic hongyi took i dn noe vid/pic of everyone. i ran away.. hahahs! walked to the busstop with 'papa'. he so gud.. but my daddy oso very gud. took 89 with hongyi and frens. so unlucky~ met daddy fer dinner. home~ hahahas! i like to go wrk everyday! i like my colleagues~

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