
by - Saturday, December 23, 2006

hello! im here!!!!!!

jus came back frm polyclinic. no wrk anymore so i will have more time on the computer.. and my blogskin. i noe many of u are waiting.. hahahas!!
later gonna meet the guys, ahhui jiejie, fengzhen jiejie, ningsi, rongyi, joanna and elaine fer dinner. hahahas!! miss dem lars...

ytd at wrk, was with benjamin korkor. one uncle and dictionary korkor kept sayin i nth to do. but actually i am lookin fer paper. accused me~ distributed chocolates.. xiaoxiong korkor said unfair. hahaahs~ godpapa veh happy.. i will miss him lars.. nw den i noe ah ming korkor have a elder bro.. hahhaas~

tday, day was diff... din have to wake up early. chatted with ah ming korkor's bro once i woke up cos he called me. hahahas~ funny korkor ars.. kie lars... eaten my medicine and nw i feel drowsy.. swinging away~ hahahas!! end here 1st...

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