
by - Thursday, November 09, 2006


sch tday was okay~ chem, mrs raj goin through ionic eq. jeremy teo got 1st fer chem in our class!! hahahas~ eng enrichment, class tday nt so enthu. nva really participate. hahahas~ recess, went out to eat with GFs!!! the carrot cake was nice!! yummy~ back to class. eng, mdm yurni was in good mood?? maybe? she even smiled.. hahas! went to look fer GFs. dey were playin sth similar to monopoly. chatted with alfred, yiang shan and wendy. went CP after dat. ate at MOS burger and discussed about chalet. went home den. sorry readers~ i noe my posts are becoming more shorter. forgiv me ohkay? hahahs~ i will try to post longer entries next time.

sarah~ pls cheer up okay? u scared me tday.. and to maylin and frens too. all of u are fated to be frens. if u tink u hav done wad u could already, den it's gud. jus let dem tink and reflect.. if changes din take place, den dn care anymore. u cant change a person. onli dey can change demself. dey shld be glad to have sucha fren. a fren hu care so much is ur really ur fren. cheer up gals~!!

audrey~ cheer up too!! =D

GFs~ sometimes i really feel regret to actualy suggest this. i thot i can make everyone happy but i dn. dere's some little problems.. i dn like it. so i let u all decide okay? im nt in the same class as u all ler.. is really hard fer me to check out how are u guys doing. sometime i asked and no one wanna tell me. i am really worried fer u guys. hais~ i dn noe. jus hope everyone can turn up and play during dat 3 days 2 nites.

hais~ i dn noe lars. everything seems so confusing to me. to me, i tink everyone changed. it hurts me. i nva tok to some of my frens ever since i am nt in the same class as dem. some became hi bye frens. or chat fer a few sentences. i dn noe lars~ 4get it. let me see hu actually will be my true fren. pple say when all of us graduate, those hu still keep contact with u still, is ur fren. those hu disappear, is nt the fren u wan. dey are onli once ur fren. is this true? i haven met one yet. but i doubt none of dem cos we are difting. the chalet thingy really makes me confuse and pissed. i dn wanna burst kay? i dn wanna spoil my mood and dn wan GFs to have their mood spoil too. so just give in to one another can? come on~ it's difficult to let all of us get together. i tot it's confirm and now problems starting to accur. i dn noe wad will happen next. dn wanna tink. hais~ it's really spoiling my mood lars... rahh~ let me rest!!

to you~ i noe wad you are worrying about. but i wanna say, u are tinking too much.

pls tell me wad to do~

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