
by - Thursday, November 02, 2006


im so freaking tired today!! i tink most of you can see lars..hahas~ really tired lors. i kept trying to keep myself awake and resulted having headaches. hahas~ mrs teo took us fer chem again. she is nice. i understand beta. hahas~ nt saying mrs raj nt gud ars~ hahahas!! english, try to catch some slp when dere is little time fer me to rest. hahahs~ after sch, went up to find GFs. dey were busy doing their eng assignments. followed dem to the general office. so funny lars~ act like a fool~ GFs accompanied me to buy wafer. went back to sch myself. maths~ i understood today's topic. hehs~ went home with felicia. =D

i miss yan ya lun alot!! and my DBSG~ im so busy till i have no time fer dem. *CRY*
shall end here!!

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