
by - Friday, July 14, 2006

im nt okie yet.stil do feel dwn..i dn noe when i will be okay..but i'll try to cheer up kies. todae, nth much happened lars.told brandon sths and i tink daud heard it oso.i dn mind lars..cos these 2 guys can be trusted.i told rongyi and peggie too.dey are the ones who care fer me in sch.i din tell audrey cos she was absent..hahas!! too bad!=p. met mummy at cp after sch.saw yehao and his classmates at the bus-stop so go along with dem..hahas!! i like the way dey are.can see class spirit.wonder my class would be liddat too.i doubt so..cos my class is splited apart.we jus cant be together..hard life yar? hahas~i hope my class will change..okays! mrs raj went overseas fer 3 wks and a relief tcher is takin ovr.met her todae..hahas!! omg! someone jus save me out of her hands lars~she doesnt noe how to teach..she said 10% are listening to her but the fact is 0% were listening.sarah drew a protrait of her, dat made me laugh out.a humorous drawing.i tink sarah drew it too cute dat it cant be describe as dat tcher..she's jus so disgusting lars..cant stand it.hahas!! when she stepped in, the guys were like..diaos~..hahas!! this was the funny thing dat happened todae dat made me laugh..hahas!! yup! during eng, mdm yurni said sth..and i actually agree with her..the credits goes to dem nt me but yet im the one doing everything..hais~i dn noe..so much tinking,so much pain..im gettin more intolerance..hais~can my life in sch be better??

-To Jenna: u can trust me.u ought to trust me cos wad im telling are the truth!! hahas!! pls do not hav any doubts in me..hahas!!
-this msg,goes to those who had told me to cheer up..u noe hu u are..and i will try kies..at least im nt lonely.i hav pple ard me supporting me.thnx so much..<33

-SOUL, gonna sing DBSG's Rising Sun & Babo (unforgettable) in the 2nd round semi-final!! pls watch it!! cos it's DBSG!! hahahas!!
-DBSG had reached Malaysia!! arghh~althou nt SG but it's malaysia atill near me.hahas!!
-Super Junior reached Malaysia one day earlier than DBSG..
-DBSG's 1st Live Concert Album had release alr!

*other news/amendments, i will update it suring weekends! pls wait.

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