
by - Wednesday, July 19, 2006


pe. gt punished by mr tay.he made us run the road-run route.it was so tiring lars..but after our run, he let us play games. dere's some friction between him and irene.the atmosphere was quite tense.lols!! we gt new POA tcher.i wan mrs wong lars althou she's naggy..but this new tcher dn even noe how to teach!! WTF!! she's makin me more blur den b4. i cant understand wads she teaching lors!! arghh!! she's another split personality tcher.hais~
assembly. damn boring..go over sab class and sit with her and ying..cos rongyi was rite in front.lols!! the sls sang songs of diff races and im nt interested at all..hahas!! mr singh release us earlier..yea!!
superband. ermm..soul's dance steps abit dissapointing lars..i was hoping to see better of dem but....hais~well...dey shld nt cheograph dat dance steps with DBSG's Rising Sun... Babo was quite nice..cos ive nva heard DBSG sang it b4 althou i heard it in their album..i like mi lu bin's perf..veh nice..so cute!! hahas!!

POA. siians!! 2 periods doin wrk set by that tcher..WTH!! is tis a tuition class? she jus gave us wrk and nva even teach...im gonna fail my POA if these goin on..arghh!! darn! eng. i finished my wrk earlier than everyone and was allowed to leave fer recess 1st..hehs... physics. gt back test paper..failed. 8/10..nt so bad alr..cos ive actually 4get to do the last pg..yet i can get an 8..hahahas!!
after phy, went to find rongyi at the library.. hahas!! hav fun der..i hope i din distract dem lars...wei chong threw a grasshopper on me..darn him lars..hahas!! how cruel! samuel hit me!! how bad!! hahahas!! but i noe dey were playin so wun hold against dem. samuel was so funny lars..he ask his physics tcher.."wad times wad ars?"..lols!! we burst into laughter lors!! dots lars him..samuel is the joker of todae!! b4 leaving the library he wrote my name on the board..den when walkin dwn the stairs, he made funny noises..he's gone insane..someone pls hlp him!! hahahas!! crazy fellow..
went home with rongyi..
dats my dae...

- DBSG is goin to be on another drama after 'Vacation'..=)) [i tink..]

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