
Building Batam

by - Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Finally, updating like seriously over here.
Have been busy at work and really tired whenever I wanted to blog.

And so~ let me write this super duper backdated post. hehehe!
Well, sometime end in October, I went Batam with the 2 cray girls (Tinghuan & Faviia), together with other colleagues whom I do not know in the co, to Batam.

It is a voluntary work with charity organization called Habitat. So what are we supposed to do? - We helped people there to build houses. It's a fun experience.Like we don't get to build house in Singapore. But people there need our help to build their houses together. It's really been quite a long time since I last joined any voluntary work. After I left poly? ahhaa!

Moreover, it was my first time in Batam and first time doing charity outside Singapore:))
All the first~~ heh!

I was doing wiring the whole day and only help shifting the bricks for like 10min. LOLS! Pardon my size, that's all I could do. ahaha! But wiring isn't simple. You need to do it well because we are making the four pillars for them. Imagine if we did not do it right, the house may topple.. that's SCARY~~

It started raining heavily after lunch. So we have to stop work. Most of us were sleeping. But 3 of us started entertaining each other. Playing scissors, paper, stone and hit each other. Role playing, posing with fake custard bun. LOLS! Boredom makes one cray! hahaha!

So now~~ pictures time!
Credits to the photographers!!

x The End x

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