
by - Friday, August 14, 2009

i am sorry for my nasty temper.
maybe cos i am sick therefore i get piss off easily these few days. in addition, i have been giving myself alot of stress cos i wanna get good GPA, also engdraw kept screwed me up...finally completed it ytd with the help of my classmates. thanks! i am sorry to people who asked me for movies...i seriously have no mood to watch so....yea.

i am going to bed soon cos have work tmr. ya~ not suppose to be working but studying hard at home. yet my incharge have not enough pple to work this weekend. so i have no choice but to work. it's a ep roadshow..and i have to report early. yes! therefore, with my health condition now, i need to turn in early.

recently i get veh emotional...i dont noe why.maybe sick people always like that.
anyways, i will definitely not work next week even if my incharge have not enough pple. cos my exam start next week. and i have super lots of things still not clear. especially my emaths! yes! i have so far maintain B for busfund and engfund. but with my emaths, it's gonna pull my GPA down. hell shit! i wish im a genius in math! fuck!
however, on a happy note, i scored 18/20 for my emath quiz 3. ohya~ i am proud for myself cos i do it myself...and i gotten the proving question correct! hehs!

if u realise i have no "haha" or "lols" in my post.
i dont noe why too...

recently, i worry alot.

twitter is fun.
if i have some time, i will update by twitter:)
so u have to follow me on twitter to catch me!

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