

by - Friday, August 21, 2009


im here to blog again.

i had my first paper which is engfund today. i dont noe why i do not have confidence. i did the paper hacing worries. dont noe why i almost cried. LOLS! i noe im dumb for wanting to cry. anyway, there's nothing more i can do. the paper is over... and now i have to buck up for the rest. monday will be having the paper i most hate. EMATHS! wth! i have chapters unclear. who can clear my doubts??! roar!

i hope i can pass all 3 papers with beautiful colors. hehs!
i really feel like crying... i think i am under too much stress. i cause it myself. only me to blame.
i shouldnt stress myself too much and ended up blank during exam. shit me!
i regretted!

i need to go already.
have to do lotsa maths...also memorise on my busfund!
off now...

im freaking depressed!

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