

by - Monday, August 17, 2009


work at tpy roadshow was fun! mostly all the promoters there are new to me..i never meet them before. LOLS! except for jazreen. sales not bad. i twit! hhaha~
after work, went 198...den home:)

no work on sun... studied at home.. i love study! crazy right?! something not right in my head! hahaha..

anyways, i wanna thank my fellow frens for encouraging me and cheering me up! love you guys!
i love havin msn convo with them.. all the SS. spamming my mailbox.... lol!!
can we plan the chalet asap? wth! hahah~

i went sch today for engfund. yes... i tink im still weak on those topics... i need to buck up.
tmr i will be going to sch also for busfund. so i am gonna do my past yr papers...and storm tcher with questions tmr... ahahaha!

my aunts are at my house mj-ing again! i played a few rounds and lost. wth~

off now!
cant wait for tmr!
my dear jiyong's solo album will be available!!!

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