
exams approaching!!!

by - Monday, August 03, 2009

gonna be here awhile and off to my books.

this week gonna be a stress week for me.
i have 4 tests...and 3 fall on the same day. LOLS! nice ah?
i am super duper worry for my studies lars.. no mood to play.
whenever i wanna relax, i will tink of exams. grrr.......

but i shall endure a little more...cos my holidays are also approaching.
and me...seriously need help in engineering maths. LOLS!

so my weekends were spent at smw bugis. well, sales soso.. wad can u expect. hahaha!
shop pple are funny...cos they like to say funny things.
after sch, went singing with faviia, eileen and yeechin:) more singing to come after exams ya...

today, i went sch early for engfund. cleared most of my doubts. i failed my quiz. ya..like wad! i'd studied. so demoralise! sucks man!
lessons were fine. we have so-called project for engdraw. thanks to mathew for helping me..hahaha!
the rest of the day i was rather quiet cos im worrying for my studies. sorry people~ u will see more of this from me this few weeks till the exams. but i will try to be HIGH some times. haha!

off now..
waiting yeechin to send me her part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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