

by - Monday, April 13, 2009


credit: OmgoshTegoshi, youchandesu @LJ

i miss yamapi alot~!!
finally new single coming out!
people say his hairstyle not good. but i think he's still look good:D
watching news pv make me feels good! hehehe~

so this week gonna be my last week of holidays. yes! from Nov'08 till now...
hahah~ super long lohs. however, i get to meet new people! cos of my current work:)
so fun... and i find myself being more open up to people. yes! last time i dont give a damn to strangers. LOLS!

yesterday, after work, bus to tampines to meet jasmine..then we took 27 to airport. so sorry for making you wait! hahaha~ i shall sing Super Junior's Sorry Sorry to u! hahaha~ ok, so lame.
had our supper at Poepeye. hahha~
chit chat...den home.

i wanna enjoy my last week lars! but guess, mon is ending..and im happy cos i get to see my Donghae just now!
wonder will they go on Family Outing?
tmr out with the girls for movie. not sure who's going though...but sure gonna have fun? i guess?

wed-fri will be having orientation..so shiaty!
dont feel like going lohs.
seriously, they will noe me when sch starts wad? hahaha~

sat-sun...should be working...:)
i smell $$$$
off now!

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