

by - Tuesday, April 14, 2009

met my girls to watch L-O-V-E at cine!
rate the movie 3/5...cos not really that nice. but i like the 1st and 2nd love story...the last one is hilarious! 为什么没有人爱我~?super funny kays? she like say dont noe how many times..LOLS!
after the movie, we went Gloria something...cos joanne wanna drink her Ice Chocolate. hahaha~ we sat there and chit chat. then, char went home first. we went taka to look for stationary. then to Kinokuniya. hahaha~ i saw my TVXQ...my hubby, Junsu, was looking at me! weehoo~ but that weiting! say is me looking at them! wth! hahaha~
shop shop awhile..me and weiting went home cos our mummy cook for us! haha!
tmr orientation. lucky i have weiting with me!!!!
and maybe get to see my cousin and supper frens. LOLS!
hope i'll get HIGH lars! hahaa~
off now!
need to sleep!

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