
getting use!

by - Thursday, April 23, 2009


i am here almost everyday?

just finished doing my emaths. gonna revise on engfund later. yes! with all the wad 3bits, 4bits. im gonna go crazy with just that! LOLS!

today lessons are still fine lars. although lessons started 9-4pm. it's still ok!
weiting didnt go to sch today cos she fall sick. probably tmr she will be back!
i missed 15 and 23 today cos the buses are packed with students! hahaha~
i realised i haven been on time since sch start. but of cos i didnt hit after 15min. LOLS! there's still room for improvement. in sec sch, i seldom late de hors! if late, it's also on purpose. ahaha~
so we had emath tutorial first. i thought of mrs thang lohs! i rmb we kept doing maths everyday. getting new sets of worksheets not long! LOLS~
engfund lecture was a bore. i seriously hate this sub! it's mixture of maths and physics, i think? and i am still trying to catch up. so sickening!
break with my classmates!!! we went design sch to eat. so full lars~
we had 3hours of busfund lab! at first, i thought i will not pull through the 3hours. but, the teacher is fun! besides that, i love busfund! LOLS!
we get to intro ourselves. teacher started from the back of the list. i was talking to lijia and he suddenly called me. so shock! hahaha~
we have to do project already~ (now, i realised ive forgot to tell me group mates that every week, one of us have to present our part) ahhh!!! wth~ must tell them tmr!
i am the grp IC...my grp members are, lijia, yeechin, eileen and faviia! i get to noe faviia today!! hees~
effcom was kind of funny...i think! like learning english on myself. LOLS!
took the same bus with yeechin.
ohya~ yeechin's 3for$10 service is super duper funny!! oops!

afterall, my classmates are fine! starting to like them. maybe cos they are young? hahaha~
no lars...i feel that we bond together very quickly. i like that... at least, we feel comfortable as a class! no one being outcast...neither do we have cliques here and there...and only stick to certain pple. my classmates mix around...which i find it nice.
or im wrong? hahaha~
negatively, maybe this is just a start. you can never foresee future right? hahah~

off now!
might be working at heeren this weekend. i dont noe...my incharge sms saying there's changes!

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