
by - Sunday, May 20, 2007


  • 近畿小子單曲刷「金」紀錄

  • 傑尼斯人氣組合近畿小子即將迎接樂壇出道十周年紀念,最近推出新單曲「BRAND NEW SONG」,再度將自己所保持的連續單曲冠軍紀錄推進至25張,繼續刷新金氏世界紀錄。 7月21日要慶祝十周年的近畿小子動作不斷,除了堂本剛、堂本光一推出個人作品,兩人也合體發行第25張單曲「BRAND NEW SONG」,再將「出道後連續單曲冠軍」的金氏世界紀錄推至25張,另外這個數字也超越松田聖子的24張單曲冠軍紀錄,讓近畿小子獨居日本單曲連續冠軍的第三名。 近畿小子十年前破天荒以單曲「玻璃少年」和專輯「A ALBUM」同時空降公信榜冠軍,締造日本音樂史第一組出道就稱霸單曲、專輯的紀錄。
  • 內博貴&草野博紀重返舞台 7月現身「少年隊」音樂劇

  • 因為未成年喝酒事件遭到「降級」的前NEWS團員內博貴與草野博紀,終於可以重見天日了,兩人將在大師兄「少年隊」於7月舉辦的音樂舞台劇「PLAYZONE 2007」復出,內和草野都表示會好好表現,不會讓大家失望,至於少年隊的三位前輩則希望他們可以在結束後正式回傑尼斯。 內博貴與草野博紀先後發生未成年飲酒事件,導致所屬的NEWS從去年五月起停止活動,而兩人也被經紀公司降級為「研修生」,結果今年NEWS雖然重新出發,但從八人變成六人,讓許多粉絲非常難過。內博貴和草野博紀將從6月開始進入排練工作,他們還聯名親筆寫了感言,內博貴說:「會更加努力表現的比過去還好」,草野博紀則會用表演傳達自己想說的,。 「少年隊」的「PLAYZONE 2007」將從7月9日至8月14日在東京青山劇場演出,大阪則是定於9月1日至7日,有許多台灣粉絲已經躍躍欲試的要衝日本,替內博貴和草野博紀的復出加油打氣,不過想看此演出並不便宜,門票要價1萬5日幣(約合台幣4200元)。

    Source: YAHOO TAIWAN

    changed blog song again. cos i was listening to Arashi's We can make it for 2 hours! hahhas~ nice song right? this is from Arashi's New Single, already release. =D

    today, went out with sinmei. printed our photos and headed to cityhall. proceeded to Raffle City first cos sinmei wanna buy the donuts. it's a long long queue lars!! so we decided not to buy. saw my tkd mates. joyce was trying to act as if she doesnt know me. hahas~ take care peeps! walked back to cityhall. went Gelare for ice-cream. my idea~ hahahas!! we shared. after eating, walked to Marina Square. bought chocolate, and 2 pairs of earrings. back home.

    ya.. if u read the news above, the 2nd one. uchi and kusano is back!! not really back lars.. they are not going to join NEWS or kanjani8. they are appearing on stage with their senpai ( senior), shonen tai (not sure abt spelling), on PLAYZONE 2007. i hope after this play, both of them can join NEWS and Kanjani8. i really miss the 2 of them...=(

    and recently, heard that DBSG's Jaejoong os not feeling well. they are now having their Japan Tour concert. around october, they will make their Asia Concert at Taiwan, hongkong etc. im not sure about the tour venues yet. once i confirm, shall put it up here. please come to SG!!!!

    tmr meeting rongyi~ ;)

    *sing along*
    We can make through~

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