
by - Thursday, May 24, 2007


  • 金曲獎日本來賓出爐 倉木麻衣、手越增田將來演出

  • 今年金曲獎很有看頭,主辦單位一口氣邀請兩組日本藝人來台,分別是傑尼斯的「手越增田」以及才華洋溢的女歌手倉木麻衣,屆時除了擔任頒獎嘉賓,還會有精采演出,這下子可能會讓今年的金曲門票益發搶手!
  • 花樣少男少女 堀北真希拚Ella

  • 改編自日本暢銷漫畫的台灣偶像劇「花樣少男少女」,收視佳績在日本引起效應,富士電視台決定開拍日本版「花樣少男少女」,由「野豬妹」堀北真希剪短頭髮,力拚Ella飾演的女主角盧瑞莃。

    Source: YAHOO TAIWAN
    today was a fun day for me.
    shall not blog about lesson time.
    after school, went coffee shop with my classmates. something happened when we were about to leave the place. the cleaner called us by 'oei!! oei!!' then all of us were like turn back and looked at the aunties. alright~ they thought we didnt clear our bubble tea cups. it's like so stingy of them lars... why cant they just help us as it's the same right? i cant believe it lors... i thought we had stolen their things. dots lars~ i feel like scolding that auntie.. making a fuss over cups. damn her~ we have names alright. so rude of her to call us like that. please learn your manners~ alright.. proceed on~ went 711 to buy sweets then to ang mo and back to school. went to humanities room for briefing and then proceeded to the bus. all of us were so hyperactive lars.. i fall asleep soon while listening to music. i went to the place 2 years back. but this year, i enjoyed better than 2 years back. i really have fun today... basically, charmaine and i were alaf throughout. oh ya~ not forgetting blossom n bubble plus mojojojo. hahahas~ chaywei too. LOLS! headed back to school ard 5 plus. i am so tired... i hope AC win tonite!!!!! please~

    news update!!
    ahhh!!! the first news above.. tegomasu is going taiwan!!! tegoshi!!!!! they are NEWS' members. oh no~ i will not miss Golden Melody Awards this year.. never!! so dont ask me out on that day. not free ars~ hahahas!!!
    2nd piece of news.. yups!! the ella show.. Hana Kimi. fuji tv will shoot it in japan. so that will be the Japanese edition of Hana Kimi. pls support~


    can i skip school tmr??
    i want to sleep.
    my holiday starts on 9 Jun... =((

    this message goes to GFs~
    i miss the 5 of u!!
    pls mug hard for these few daes alright? i know all of u are tired. sorry for not spending much time with u all. even my recess time i cant eat with u guys... monday is the day already. tolerate awhile more and it's over. jiayou kies~ remember our date!!! leave that to me... i shall plan it.
    alright? =D

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