good afternoon!!i feel alright now.. i shouldnt have give a damn to people who have no manners. move on with life ya? just delete them off my mind.. hahahas~ remember, i can be very stubborn if i want. dont ever try me.. once i judge you negatively, that's it. quite hard to change my mind again. hees~ speaking the truth..hais~ internet connection damn slow. i cant get into the forum.. =((i have different taste towards...
out with GFs.. i skipped school today.. of cos there's reason. hahas~went Kbox.i had fun... i met a horrible person alright? totally no manners.. count myself unlucky today.oh ya~ saw weixiang and gang.. lastly, mr tang. hahas!! i think he felt embarrassed bahs... alright, i shall blog when im in the mood to... now totally piss off.. hahas~ but im alright.. im quite tolerance...everyone has their limit. me too~I HAVE PRIDE!!=D ...
NEWS!!THSK will be on Channel a on June 6th to June 13thThey will show the THSK' Lovin You PV making.Translation credits: ichigoSource: avex netCredits: TVFXQFOREVER------------------------------TVXQ releasing their korean single soon on 6th June 2007!!!Here is the tracklist :1. Heat-Wave2. 10 Questions3. Phantom (Hiphop-Remix version)4. Heat-Wave (Instrumental)5. 10 Questions (Instrumental)Credit: likwen@cyxion.netSource: yunhoworld+tvxqfd+cyxion forum+tvfxqth forum+tvxq-inter------------------------------TVXQ Changmin & Yunho's speech-------------------------------韓小天王Rain現身曼谷 粉絲瘋狂才在日本結束巡迴演唱的韓國小天王Rain,現身在泰國曼谷的購物商場,現場3千多名泰國粉絲 陷入瘋狂,原本計畫在2月就要舉行演唱會的Rain,因為泰國爆炸頻傳,當時演唱會被取消,現在總算等到Rain,泰國粉絲瘋狂追逐。韓國小天王Rain一抵達,現場3千多名粉絲,尖叫聲沒停過,購物商場架出2百公尺長的拒馬,保障小天王的安全;穿著淺色外套的Rain,一路和粉絲微笑致意,迷死人的招牌笑容,讓粉絲陷入瘋狂。正在進行世界巡迴演唱的Rain,週末抵達了泰國曼谷這座購物商場,Rain也入境隨俗的 ,以泰文問候大家。南韓小天王Rain:「大家好!」難得一賭偶像風采,現場粉絲用手機,不停的為偶像拍照,其實,早在2月Rain就計畫,到曼谷演唱,沒想到當地的除夕夜,發生了連環爆炸,死傷慘重,也讓小天王的行程延後,讓歌迷等慘了。南韓小天王Rain:「這次演唱會我會全力以赴。」才25歲的Rain,已成為全亞洲最成功的藝人之一,亞洲各地,都有他的超級粉絲。粉絲:「Rain,很帥,他好可愛。」不管在舞台上,還是舞台下,都展現驚人魅力的Rain,也難怪有這麼多的死忠粉絲。-----------------------------------日本女歌手ZARD坂井泉水27日意外驟逝 得年40歲90年代叱吒日本樂壇的女歌手ZARD坂井泉水過世了!以一曲「別認輸」成名的日本創作女歌手ZARD坂井泉水,26日清晨5時許在慶應大學附屬醫院從高達3公尺的樓梯上摔下造成後腦嚴重挫傷,於日本時間27日下午3時10分不治、得年40歲,消息傳出讓許多樂迷哀傷不已,經紀公司也發表了「希望她的眾多名曲可以在各位樂迷的心中傳唱下去」。本名浦池幸子的ZARD坂井泉水,去年6月因為發現子宮頸癌而入院進行手術,中間一直都接在接受治療,但不幸的於今年4月發現癌細胞轉移到肺部住進慶應大學醫院。26日清晨5點40分左右被人發現倒在安全梯的地上,27日下午3時10分宣告不治,經紀公司表示她有早上散步的習慣,由於前一天有下雨導致安全梯濕滑,有可能是在返回病房的路上不慎摔倒撞擊到後腦,而日本警方也對她是意外還是自殺展開調查。原本預定在今年秋天要推出新專輯和舉辦睽違3年的巡迴演唱會,和病魔奮戰期間也努力創作,但ZARD坂井泉水就這樣突然離開人世,令許多樂迷得知後相當震驚難過。ZARD坂井泉水最早是賽車皇后被發覺,在1991年以單曲「Good-bye My Loneliness」出道,1993年因為一首「別認輸」走紅日本樂壇,她的歌聲一直都是很多人的療傷良伴,而其不做宣傳的神秘作風也一直都是話題,1997推出精選輯「ZARD BLAND」狂賣250萬張,2006年10月25日則發行「Golden Best ~15th Anniversary~」,出道16年共發行42張單曲、11張原創專輯、5張精選以及1張現場演唱實況專輯。----------------------------吉他手雅加入! YOSHIKI再掀視覺搖滾已經解散的前「X JAPAN」團長YOSHIKI將再戰日本樂壇!繼邀請視覺系天王Gackt、前「月之海」吉他手SUGUZO後,YOSHIKI找來曾來過台灣兩次的新生代人氣吉他手「雅」,此團預計6月29日正式開始活動,要給樂迷新世代的搖滾震撼。目前正在美國舉辦巡迴演出的「J ROCKREVOLUTION」,這個團體雖然還沒有正式名稱,但其成員的名氣就讓許多樂迷聞風而來, 且預定要在今年舉辦單獨巡演,11月底返回日本開唱。YOSHIKI的這個新樂團希望能再找一名貝斯手湊成5人,但也不排除就以現在的4人形態正式出道。日本樂壇今年又悄悄的吹起視覺系樂團風,幾個新生代的團體都打入公信榜TOP10,威力不容小看,YOSHIKI表示:「有了各位樂迷的強力支持,就讓我們一起將日本的搖滾音樂發揚光大吧!」----------------------警方排除坂井泉水自殺可能性 「ZARD效應」悲傷發酵ZARD坂井泉水意外身亡讓日本樂壇與樂迷都非常難過,她的親人決定在29日守靈、30日安葬,所有行程全部不公開,而唱片公司在昨晚宣佈將於6月27日舉辦音樂追思會,讓大家都可以用旋律來懷念這位曾溫暖許多人心的音樂女神,同時在日本和台灣也已經掀起一股「ZARD效應」。事發突然,亞洲各地的ZARD樂迷在得知消息後紛紛在網路上發表自己難過的心情,都表示不能接受也不想相信。由於ZARD的死因引來多方揣測,根據相關人士透露,ZARD坂井泉水並未受到抗癌藥物的影響掉髮,外型身心看來也都沒有變化,還曾說過要「戰勝病痛」的話。日本警方在調查過後覺得自殺可能性頗低,因為3公尺的高度對想自盡的當事人來說實在有點低,加上她一直都在計畫秋天開始的活動,應該不會是自殺,也因此警方直接讓家屬領回遺體,現在預定30日進行安葬儀式。唱片公司更決定要在ZARD過世一個月的6月27日於東京青山的青山葬儀所舉辦「ZARD音樂追思會」,讓樂迷們可以一起懷念心中永遠的女神ZARD坂井泉水。消息傳出後,日本和台灣也隨即引發激烈的「ZARD效應」,她生前所發行的作品都在日本網拍暴漲,寫真集標上1萬日幣(約合台幣2千8百元)、船上演唱會限定CD錄影帶更是有接近或超過3萬日幣(約合台幣9千2百元)以及許多作品所附贈的特典都是樂迷搶購的對象。日本的唱片行也陸續設立追悼專櫃,來紀念這位在日本音樂史上第8名、創下3621萬張銷售的傳奇女歌手;負責台灣發行的新光美音唱片公司在今天也開始出現各店家爭相補貨的現象,其中以去年10月25日的雙CD精選輯「Golden Best 15 th...
hellos!!!here to update about yesterday's shopping trip. well, i bought little things. no clothes, cos none caught my eyes. siian~ i bought '1 litre of tears' novel. haven start reading cos sister wanna read first. oh ya~ check out at Missha kies. new edition~ The Style. really style alright~ gonna buy their lipstick and foundation. i like the packaging and everything. hahahas~ i bought a lip gloss. pink color. okays lars~ not today was...
yoyo!!going out already~now waiting for peggie's shop!!!while waiting for her, i shall crap here. hahahs~ rhymes right? hahas!!GFs said the exam was difficult. well, dont worry kies.. im sure all of u can do it!!jiayou!!!oh~ im yawning. hahas~end here.. cyas!! ...
new blogskin!!!please comment!!!abit rush.. hahas!! but okay right?? hahahas~yaya~ just sent out messages to my fellow friends who have national examination tmr. i know all of them are nervous. one even say want to cry just now. hahas~ stay calm everybody!!! okay~ just went to the webby to see new clothings. yups~ some caught my eyes.. gonna tell erjie which one i want. and a bag pack too. hope after converting to SGD, it's cheaper....
HAPPY BELATED BDAE TO~- 岡本健一(元男闘呼組)- 錦織一清(少年隊)- 渡辺裕貴(Jr.)- Desmond Yeap- 室龍太 (BOYS)- Ye Eun 예은(Wonder Girls)---------------------------------------wanna congrats to DBSG for winning VMAJ Best Buzz Asia Artiste from Korea!!!!so happy!!! they won!!!hees!!!sorry for not blogging... i was busy with translating news..and also my new blogskin. imageshack is damn slow. so im now tryin with other webs. tmr is an important day for many of my friends. pray for them!!! dont get nervous, try to concerntrate okay!!!after that,...
hellos!back to post.i was wandering off and not paying attention today. hahas~ chaywei can sense it. i dont know what happened to me today larhs.. hope i will be fine tmr. yups~ june hols lessons are available on school webby already.alright, im lazy to blog about school today. so cyas~ maybe making new skin later on if i have the mood.oh ya~ Hanazakari no Kimitachie which Horikita Maki starred in will be air on 3rd...
Group of the week!!BATTLE!!ProfileName : Park JiWoon (Rio)Birthday : 21 August 1987Battle Shinhwa group 3 best dancePlace of Birth : SeoulHeight : 181Weight : 68Blood Type : BName : Shin KiHyeonBirthday : 19 June 1987Battle Shinhwa group 5 best dancePlace of Birth : SeoulHeight : 188Weight : 76Blood Type : BName : Won SeungJae (Ryu)Birthday : 18 April 1987Battle Shinhwa Group 4 best dancePlace of Birth : SeoulHeight : 185Weight : 74Blood Type : AName...
NEWS!!金曲獎日本來賓出爐 倉木麻衣、手越增田將來演出今年金曲獎很有看頭,主辦單位一口氣邀請兩組日本藝人來台,分別是傑尼斯的「手越增田」以及才華洋溢的女歌手倉木麻衣,屆時除了擔任頒獎嘉賓,還會有精采演出,這下子可能會讓今年的金曲門票益發搶手!首次來台的倉木麻衣在日本、台灣都擁有超人氣,1999年出道當時甚至還創下百萬單曲、專輯的銷售,她的作品也受到許多人喜愛,之前也曾和孫燕姿合作;可愛的倉木麻衣為了這次來台,已經在努力學中文,隨身攜帶「中文漫畫」,希望到時候可以和樂迷好好交流,另外此行可能還會帶給台灣樂迷驚喜,大家可要好好接招唷。繼去年的松本潤後,今年主辦單位再度邀請到傑尼斯藝人,這次派出從NEWS分支出的手越祐也與增田貴久所組成的「手越增田」,這是他們繼2002年國慶演出後第二次訪台,兩人希望表演內容不要輸給別國藝人,到時候也會演唱最新單曲「KISS~回家路上的情歌~」。----------------------------花樣少男少女 堀北真希拚Ella改編自日本暢銷漫畫的台灣偶像劇「花樣少男少女」,收視佳績在日本引起效應,富士電視台決定開拍日本版「花樣少男少女」,由「野豬妹」堀北真希剪短頭髮,力拚Ella飾演的女主角盧瑞莃。今年初,由Ella、吳尊、汪東城等主演的「花樣少男少女」,在台引起熱潮的消息傳到日本,引起日本富士電視台高度關切,決定繼跟拍過日劇版「流星花園」之後,今夏再度跟進台灣偶像劇,開拍日本版「花樣少男少女」,選定曾主演人氣日劇「改造野豬妹」、「鐵板少女小茜」的堀北真希擔任女主角,挑戰Ella演活的那個為了心儀偶像扮成男學生,潛入男子高中、卻又不失女孩子可愛的女主角角色,為戲不怕扮怪扮醜的堀北,對於這次扮「男孩子」的挑戰充滿期待,預定本月底剪短頭髮投入拍攝。Source: YAHOO TAIWAN------------------------------today was a fun day for me.shall not blog about lesson time.after school, went coffee shop with my classmates. something happened when we were about to leave the place. the cleaner called us by 'oei!! oei!!' then all of us were like turn back and looked at the aunties. alright~ they thought we didnt clear our bubble tea cups. it's like so stingy of them lars... why cant they just help...
hellos!!i always feel like blogging after reading Yamapi's nikki. hahahas~today school was okay. mrs ho going through reader digest worksheet. poa, no teacher came in. so chatted with chaywei, gekhan, charmaine and claris. i think we are noisy..hahahas!!! math, going through file. oh ya~ i almost forget... recess, mrs thang wanna do math with some of us. mainly those taking POA. so i will not be going for recess these few days except friday. after...
NEWS PICS!!!TVXQ 2nd Live tour.Osaka live (120507) Niigata LIVE (160507) credit: Report for Bigeast & boajjang ...
having headache~really spinning...arghh~went to school today. lessons were pushed back by an hour becos assembly replaced the first 2 period. for english, tried to learn how english words came about.. i think. tried pronouncing some french, spanish etc words. okay lars~ chinese was hilarious. sarah really made everyone laugh. i think our teacher was really mad...hahhas!!! recess~ lessons after recess were all doing corrections. that's when my headache occur. gonna sleep early today~*linked huixin* ...
went out with rongyi today for a short while. hahas~ found her thing. GSS is here!! GSS means Great Singapore Sale!!! shopping time!!hees~nth to blog today.i miss uchi!!!*currently listening*Osaka Romanesqueby Kanjani8 ...
NEWS!近畿小子單曲刷「金」紀錄傑尼斯人氣組合近畿小子即將迎接樂壇出道十周年紀念,最近推出新單曲「BRAND NEW SONG」,再度將自己所保持的連續單曲冠軍紀錄推進至25張,繼續刷新金氏世界紀錄。 7月21日要慶祝十周年的近畿小子動作不斷,除了堂本剛、堂本光一推出個人作品,兩人也合體發行第25張單曲「BRAND NEW SONG」,再將「出道後連續單曲冠軍」的金氏世界紀錄推至25張,另外這個數字也超越松田聖子的24張單曲冠軍紀錄,讓近畿小子獨居日本單曲連續冠軍的第三名。 近畿小子十年前破天荒以單曲「玻璃少年」和專輯「A ALBUM」同時空降公信榜冠軍,締造日本音樂史第一組出道就稱霸單曲、專輯的紀錄。---------------------------內博貴&草野博紀重返舞台 7月現身「少年隊」音樂劇因為未成年喝酒事件遭到「降級」的前NEWS團員內博貴與草野博紀,終於可以重見天日了,兩人將在大師兄「少年隊」於7月舉辦的音樂舞台劇「PLAYZONE 2007」復出,內和草野都表示會好好表現,不會讓大家失望,至於少年隊的三位前輩則希望他們可以在結束後正式回傑尼斯。 內博貴與草野博紀先後發生未成年飲酒事件,導致所屬的NEWS從去年五月起停止活動,而兩人也被經紀公司降級為「研修生」,結果今年NEWS雖然重新出發,但從八人變成六人,讓許多粉絲非常難過。內博貴和草野博紀將從6月開始進入排練工作,他們還聯名親筆寫了感言,內博貴說:「會更加努力表現的比過去還好」,草野博紀則會用表演傳達自己想說的,。 「少年隊」的「PLAYZONE 2007」將從7月9日至8月14日在東京青山劇場演出,大阪則是定於9月1日至7日,有許多台灣粉絲已經躍躍欲試的要衝日本,替內博貴和草野博紀的復出加油打氣,不過想看此演出並不便宜,門票要價1萬5日幣(約合台幣4200元)。Source: YAHOO TAIWANyups!changed blog song again. cos i was listening to Arashi's We can make it for 2 hours! hahhas~ nice song right? this is from Arashi's New Single, already release. =Dtoday, went out with sinmei. printed our photos and headed to cityhall. proceeded to Raffle City first cos sinmei wanna buy the donuts. it's a long long queue lars!! so we decided...
160507HAPPY BDAE TO~- OKURA TADAYOSHI from KANJANI8- 横尾渉 from Kis-My-Ft II (Johnny's)170507- YOSHIHIKO INOHARA from V6- 岩本ひかる from Johnny's Juniorhellos!!!im fine today. sorry for being so moody yesterday. im back to normal again, i guess. hurhur~ took my chinese papers today. i fail paper 1 and 2. paper 1 letter writing was shit okay!!! i got a single digit. damn~ first time alright.. and do you know what, tcher said we took the wrong paper....
hellos~i feel moody today. results are disappointing. i didnt do i shall not elaborate much. just wonder can i promote? will i? can i? i feel so demoralising now. today in class, i was acting strong throughout math lesson until when mrs thang said something. i broke down~ i cried becos of the stress. the stress im facing is really huge. i am so lousy with my studies and classmates are doing fine..i wanna...
NEWS!Singer M to Advance to USSinger Lee Min-woo, a member of the idol band Shinhwa, will enter the U.S. market with his 3rd regular album.Lee, who goes by 'M' as a solo singer, signed a deal on April 26th to launch his 3rd album and his upcoming 4th album in the U.S. via CJ Music and CJ Entertainment's global network.Lee's songs will officially be released in America as early as June.An official at M Rising...
我不敢担保我在未来的日子里,是否还记得你们.但我敢担保,我们的友情是真的.speechless....actually i have alot of things to type out but now im loss of words. hais~i dont know lars...seriously, our problem is becos of our hearts. why? why must u all have that kind of thinking. dont you feel terrible? please~ it's already the last year... are you all sure that we will be able to get together again like now.end here... be back with NEWS! ...
people~ please cherish whatever u have now. regardless whether it is your pet, friends, family or object.i wrote this with a purpose not for fun.. and not tryin to be emotional. just writing down my thoughts. hees~bye~ ...
back with blogging.alright, yesterday.went to school. found out that those taking chinese olvl end-year do not need to atten intensive classes. so went ava for movie. what i could say is BORING!!! after school, went home wothout waiting GFs cos they having lessons till late in the afternoon. perhaps fer the next 2 weeks, i wun be able to spend much time with GFs in school. gals~ mug hard for your O!!!today, supposed to have...
0905HAPPY BDAE TO YOKOYAMA YU!!!!!1305HAPPY BDAE TO ERJIE!!!&HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL MUMMY!!!!yesterday,went over to grandma side. had our dinner... well, something happened. we had a commotion with another family. okay~ they are just selfish. stared more and i shall gorge ur eyeballs. silly people~ ya, after we've calm mummy, i saw them staring at us. so i stared back. im not scared at all. i will not let anyone bully me family members nor...
yesterday~went home after school. supposed to meet GFs 1pm but no.. hahs~ meet an hour later. meet up with peg and rongyi 1st. then took mrt to hougang. waited for fiona. saw alan and friends. board the train together. i slept for awhile... went orchard to eat... looked for audrey...visited kinokuniya awhile. i wanna save money and buy 1 litres of tears' book. went SK to buy mother's day present. headed to ps.. met with...
yoyoyo!!hahas~ supposed to be half dead but peggie lightened me. LOLS!!! rongyi ars~ 不错嘛~i shall blog about the outing tmr.i really love these few days. everything seems so fine. thanks~ ...
MID-YR EXAM FINALLY OVER!!!wahaha~ freedom!!! hahahas!!!meeting GFs later.. sian~ erjie's plan change and aunt wants me to go over to the chalet today. but i have an outing with GFs.. how? see how first bahs... hehs!!! busy weekend...poa paper1 today.. hmm, just happy with trial balance cos i can balance. and i shocked charmaine and felicia. cos i finished the paper veh early.. hahahas!!! i dont know why too. hehs!!! ...
hellos!!!here again...not studying yet. hahaha~ im just slacking. so sorry~ seems like i did badly for my mid-year. from the way mrs ho told us. hahahas~ chances of passing are low. siians! never mind... what to do~ it's over. tmr~ just POA paper 1... and i can go home at 9!!! hahahas~ and the end of mid-year.. okays, post-exam.. when i looked at the time-table. i freak out!!! u know what???!!!! chinese intensive frm mon-wed....
tmr is thur already... and then friday~ hahahas!!!tmr will be last day of examination for GFs but not for me. hahahas~ geog and physcis tmr. currently revising geog. sure no time for physics.. well, i dont really have much fate on science. im weak at it althou all u need is jus study. but this mid-year, is really a rush one. so i have no time for anything. siian~ jus hope my humanities will pass...
hellos!!shant talk about math... cos i sort of know what kind of result i will get. =Dsocial studies. phew~ actually not that difficult. source-based was on SG education which i din study.. lucky it's source-based. essay was conflicts n sustainable dev. i chose sustainable dev. cos cos~~ the question is similar to what mrs wong had gone through in class. and b4 the paper, i was readin it... hahahas!!! but i hope the way i...
okays... shall make it a quick one...these few days, i have been watching 1 litre of tears. i know im quite out-dated lars.. last year it was screened on SCV but i din watch cos it was shown 10+ on weekdays.. and i have school the next day. heard from rongyi quite nice.. but i still din watch. that time not really into japan drama.this time, i tried watching it. i cried almost every episode....
okays.. shall make it short and start on my ss revision.maths paper 1 today was a total disapointment for me. i like studied so hard for math tryin to reach my goal yet i tink i cant. i shall work triple hard for my Os then... im really really down lars... forget it~ it's over. i cant change anything too. rahh!!!!!!!!!!!sian sian!!!ive just finish watching 1 litre of tears episode 4. so sad lars~ i...
NEWS!!2007金曲獎入圍名單出爐 流行類與傳統類分開頒獎第18屆金曲獎即將在6月16日頒獎,行政院新聞局4日公佈今年的主題及各獎項的入圍名單。今年入圍的男歌手除了陶外,都是創作型新生代;最佳女歌手方面,九度入圍的張惠妹,將面臨林憶蓮、蔡依林的強烈挑戰。音樂界一年一度的盛事「金曲獎」,將在6月16日進行頒獎典禮,地點為台北市的小巨蛋,行政院新聞局4日公佈今年金曲獎的主題為「mii」,代表「musicisinternational」。今年的典禮將以「魔法音樂學院」的方式呈現,表現音樂人活潑的一面。新聞局也在今天公佈了各獎項的入圍名單,流行類最佳男歌手入圍的有林俊傑、李玖哲、陶、吳克群、曹格,多屬創作型藝人,也代表著演藝圈的新生力量;而最佳女歌手入圍的有張韶涵、彭靖惠、張惠妹、戴佩妮、林憶蓮、蔡依林;最佳演唱組合入圍的有南拳媽媽、浩恩家家、蜜雪薇琪、新寶島康樂隊。本屆金曲獎似乎擺脫市場走向,多個地下樂團出身的團體,在最佳專輯等獎項中都大有展獲,其中,在這幾年竄紅的蘇打綠就入圍了最佳國語專輯、最佳編曲人獎等共7個獎項,表現突出。此外,主辦單位也將頒發特殊貢獻獎給去年去世的音樂人張弘毅,表彰他對音樂的貢獻。今年的金曲獎和往年有兩個最大的不同,一個是新增「票選最受歡迎男女(團體)歌手」成為正式獎項,第二個特色就是把流行類和傳統藝術類金曲獎分開舉行,新聞局代理局長易榮宗說:『今年我們金曲獎的頒獎典禮,特別把流行音樂跟傳統跟藝術金曲獎分開舉辦,讓屬性不同的音樂有自己的舞台來發光發亮。』此外,主辦單位今年特別邀請2006年的金曲歌王王力宏和歌后蔡健雅,分別設計了兩款T恤讓民眾票選,票數高的將在網路和典禮上義賣,所得將全數捐給家扶中心。--------------------------------第18屆金曲獎入圍名單出爐 蘇打綠七項成最大贏家第18屆金曲獎入圍名單今(4)日火熱出爐,蘇打綠成為入圍的最大贏家,共入圍最佳年度歌曲獎、最佳國語專輯獎、最佳作曲人獎、最佳作詞人獎、最佳編曲人獎、最佳專輯製作人獎、最佳樂團獎等七項獎項﹔由小天王周杰倫執導的《紅模仿》,問鼎最佳音樂錄影帶導演獎。行政院新聞局今(4)日公布第18屆金曲獎入圍名單,傳統暨藝術音樂類計有45件作品入圍,角逐11個獎項、流行音樂類計有104件作品入圍,角逐22個獎項。傳統暨藝術音樂類得獎名單將於6月2日在台北市內湖區自由廣場演藝廳、流行音樂類得獎名單將於6月16日在台北市多功能體育館(小巨蛋)分別舉行之頒獎典禮中揭曉。新聞局表示,本屆金曲獎計有163家有聲出版業者提送8,103件作品參賽,報名家數與作品件數俱創歷屆新高,顯示國內有聲出版業者對金曲獎活動的重視。本屆入圍作品,是由33位評審委員經過分組初審、資格審、分組複審及共同複審等四個階段選出。新聞局表示,本屆金曲獎新增設「評審團獎」,由各類組評審委員自各類參賽作品中具獨特性、但因不適用現有獎項故未入圍之優秀作品推選。傳統暨藝術音樂類評審委員選出「台灣鐵道聲音紀實」專輯(概念音樂有聲出版有限公司)為該類組評審團獎得主;流行音樂類組評審委員則因本年參賽作品佳作均入圍,並無符合獲該獎項資格者,而決議該類組評審團獎從缺。第18屆金曲獎入圍名單流行音樂作品類:[演唱類][出版獎]最佳年度歌曲獎:種樹《種樹》/大大樹音樂圖像千里之外《依然范特西》/阿爾發音樂股份有限公司天下大同《如果沒有你》/新力博德曼音樂娛樂股份有限公司寶貝(in the night)《My Life Will…》/新力博德曼音樂娛樂股份有限公司小情歌《小宇宙》/林暐哲音樂社今天妳要嫁給我《太美麗》/伊世代娛樂股份有限公司最佳國語專輯獎:Blue in love/角頭文化事業股份有限公司My Life Will…/新力博德曼音樂娛樂股份有限公司小宇宙/林暐哲音樂社浪費時間是快樂的 All I want/豐華唱片股份有限公司Wake Up/滾石國際音樂股份有限公司舞孃/科藝百代股份有限公司[個人獎]最佳音樂錄影帶導演獎:周杰倫/紅模仿《依然范特西》/阿爾發音樂股份有限公司王登鈺/造字的人《黑暗之光》/新力博德曼音樂娛樂股份有限公司陳霈芙/幸福感《幸福感》/大熊星國際多媒體股份有限公司馮德倫/天下大同《如果沒有你》/新力博德曼音樂娛樂股份有限公司曹瑞原/純純的愛《劉家昌 深情》/科藝百代股份有限公司周格泰/約定《光良約定首張創作紀錄輯(創作演唱盤) 》/種子音樂有限公司最佳作曲人獎:林生祥/種樹《種樹》/大大樹音樂圖像張懸/寶貝(in the night)《My Life Will…》/新力博德曼音樂娛樂股份有限公司吳青峰/小情歌《小宇宙》/林暐哲音樂社李泰祥/山與田《山與田》/金革科技股份有限公司陶喆/今天妳要嫁給我《太美麗》/伊世代娛樂股份有限公司吳克群/將軍令《將軍令》/種子音樂有限公司最佳作詞人獎:鍾永豐/種樹《種樹》/大大樹音樂圖像方文山/菊花台《依然范特西》/阿爾發音樂股份有限公司巫宇軒/阿公的眠床腳《博杯》/亞律音樂股份有限公司林夕/天下大同《如果沒有你》/新力博德曼音樂娛樂股份有限公司張懸/寶貝(in the night)《My Life Will…》/新力博德曼音樂娛樂股份有限公司吳青峰/小情歌《小宇宙》/林暐哲音樂社最佳編曲人獎:洪敬堯/霍元甲《霍元甲》/阿爾發音樂股份有限公司王繼三/迷路《Blue in love》/角頭文化事業股份有限公司陳主惠/造字的人《黑暗之光》/新力博德曼音樂娛樂股份有限公司李雨寰/愈夜愈美麗 (club mix 2000),《新浪潮 2000-2006 混音精選+新歌》/荒島網路科技股份有限公司蘇打綠樂團/小情歌《小宇宙》/林暐哲音樂社最佳專輯製作人獎:林生祥,鍾永豐,鍾適芳/種樹/大大樹音樂圖像昊恩/Blue in love/角頭文化事業股份有限公司林暐哲/小宇宙/林暐哲音樂社同志/砰砰樂隊檳榔交出來/星火製作有限公司陳惠婷,許哲毓,林前源,林揮斌,許哲珮/我想你會變成這樣都是我害的/彎的音樂有限公司最佳單曲製作人獎:周杰倫/霍元甲《霍元甲》/阿爾發音樂股份有限公司朱劍輝,亥兒樂隊/炎黃子孫《炎黃子孫》/典選音樂事業股份有限公司阿弟仔/舞孃《舞孃》/科藝百代股份有限公司最佳國語男歌手獎:林俊傑/曹操/華宇唱片股份有限公司李玖哲/Baby是我/麻吉娛樂經紀股份有限公司曹格/Super Man/滾石國際音樂股份有限公司陶喆/太美麗/伊世代娛樂股份有限公司吳克群/將軍令/種子音樂有限公司最佳國語女歌手獎:張韶涵/潘朵拉/福茂唱片音樂股份有限公司彭靖惠/浪費時間是快樂的 All I want/豐華唱片股份有限公司張惠妹/我要快樂/華納國際音樂股份有限公司戴佩妮/ipenny/科藝百代股份有限公司林憶蓮/呼吸/香港商維京百代音樂事業股份有限公司台灣分公司蔡依林/舞孃/科藝百代股份有限公司最佳樂團獎:亥兒樂隊/炎黃子孫/典選音樂事業股份有限公司拾參樂團/你是王嗎?/典選音樂事業股份有限公司蘇打綠樂團/小宇宙/林暐哲音樂社Selfkill/雨停了之後/小白兔橘子有限公司Tizzy bac/我想你會變成這樣都是我害的/彎的音樂有限公司圖騰樂團/我在那邊唱/彎的音樂有限公司潑猴/革命/喜瑪拉雅音樂事業股份有限公司最佳演唱組合獎:南拳媽媽/調色盤/阿爾發音樂股份有限公司昊恩家家/Blue in love/角頭文化事業股份有限公司蜜雪薇琪/Princess/新力博德曼音樂娛樂股份有限公司新寶島康樂隊/新寶島康樂隊第6發/滾石國際音樂股份有限公司最佳新人獎:弦子/首張同名專輯/喜歡音樂有限公司安又琪/談情說愛/艾迴股份有限公司ALin/失戀無罪/艾迴股份有限公司蔡旻佑/首張創作專輯 19/新力博德曼音樂娛樂股份有限公司黃建為/Over the Way/風潮音樂國際股份有限公司[評審團獎]評審團獎:台灣鐵道聲音紀實/概念音樂有聲出版有限公司特別貢獻獎:特別貢獻獎:張弘毅先生------------------------------公信榜:近畿小子單曲再刷新金氏紀錄 艾薇兒擊退柴崎幸奪專輯后座最新一期公信榜揭曉,即將在7月迎接樂壇出道十週年紀念的近畿小子,他們的第25張單曲「BRAND NEW SONG」再度奪冠,不但持續刷新金氏世界紀錄,也超越松田聖子獨居日本音樂史連續冠軍第三名;而專輯冠亞軍分別由艾薇兒、Ne-Yo獲得,柴崎幸的「嬉嬉」則落至第三名。近畿小子的十週年動作不斷,除了堂本剛、堂本光一陸續推出個人作品,兩人也不忘合體發行第25張單曲「BRAND NEW SONG」,首週以18.1萬的銷售量稱霸公信榜,再度將「出道後連續單曲冠軍」的金氏世界紀錄推至25張,另外這個數字也超越松田聖子的24張,讓近畿小子獨居日本音樂史上單曲連續NO.1的第三名。傑尼斯在單曲稱霸,本週的專輯榜則是西洋音樂的天下,艾薇兒的第三張專輯「美麗壞東西」擊退柴崎幸登上后座,讓她成為公信榜史上第三組連續兩張冠軍奪冠的國外女歌手;原本有希望拿第一的柴崎幸,被兩張天外飛來的西洋專輯擠到第三,台灣環球唱片將於本週五(4日)發行這張專輯「嬉嬉」。--------------------------赤西仁歸隊錄KAT-TUN節目 表示[一直講話好不習慣]!六人到齊的KAT-TUN做什麼都有意思。上月中才從美國洛杉磯留學歸隊的赤西仁,27日首次參加日本電視台綜藝節目「KAT-TUN KAT-TUN」的節目錄影,半年沒錄影的赤西仁表示要一直講話超不習慣,田中聖則在旁說:「他看起來有點緊張啦」!半年沒現身的赤西仁不管做什麼都是媒體焦點,繼上月21日現身於KAT-TUN仙台演唱會後,睽違半年的首次錄影也是備受矚目,赤西仁說希望以後可以多多使用到自己所學的英文,雖然這麼久沒合作,但龜梨和也覺得並沒有任何的不協調,希望接下來可以和團員們一起做出快樂的好節目。這集節目將於本月9日於日本電視台播出,接下來赤西仁會繼續隨KAT-TUN在各地巡迴,另外在6月6日也會推出睽違以久的6人KAT-TUN新單曲「歡喜之歌」,屆時會不會產生「赤西仁」效應,也是媒體注意的焦點。----------------------------嵐唱上東京巨蛋 今年目標動員70萬人次傑尼斯人氣團體「嵐」出道8年終於登上東京巨蛋開唱,5萬5千名粉絲快把蛋頂掀開,五人除了感謝大家的支持,在中外野的大看板還特地放上了「全新的嵐將從這裡再出發」!去年完成亞洲巡迴演唱會的嵐,今年再度挑戰出道八年來的「巨蛋初體驗」,29日在能容納5萬5千人的東京巨蛋開唱,松本潤表示「東京巨蛋是他們在小時候就嚮往來看球賽的地方,進入傑尼斯後則會羨慕能在這邊辦個唱的前輩們」,又說:「確實的向上踏出一步」,當天共演唱了包含即將發行的最新單曲「We can make it!」在內共26首作品,而在電影「黃色眼淚」飾演歌手井上章一的相葉雅紀也以片中角色出場獻唱「眼淚的流星」。嵐在巨蛋演唱會後,緊接著要在2日發行全新單曲「We can make it!」,這是松本潤主演連續劇「料理新鮮人」主題曲。除此之外,嵐還要從7月14日起再度舉辦全國巡迴演唱會,加上剛唱完的春季場,嵐今年預計將動員70萬人次,創下他們出道以來最多的紀錄。-----------------------跟隨木村 松本潤、山下智久進攻戲劇木村拓哉成功縱橫大小銀幕,激勵了傑尼斯後輩們前仆後繼在電影、戲劇上求表現。日劇版「流星花園」的「道明寺」松本潤,以「流2」一度擊敗木村拓哉「華麗一族」,主演的電影「妹妹,戀人」也以兄妹禁忌戀受注目。山下智久新戲「求婚大作戰」是目前「月九檔」的收視冠軍,替他開了很好的路。松本潤主演的「妹妹,戀人」改編自暢銷漫畫書,劇情觸及兄妹戀,而且血緣相連(龍鳳胎),因此有道德上的爭議。這是以「流星花園」扶搖直上的松本潤,首度在大銀幕上獨挑大樑,女主角榮倉奈奈則是電影處女作,2人的組合清新。該片描寫一對高中三年級的兄妹小賴、小郁,談著注定沒有結果的禁忌愛情,純情的描寫手法並沒有讓電影走偏。不過,兄妹戀話題畢竟敏感,因此該片在日本以小廳戲院方式上映,沒想到票房仍然很好,松本潤擅於挑角色是他成功的關鍵因素。「求婚大作戰」則由山下智久、長澤雅美主演,近來山下智久還被媒體封為收視王,因為在最新開打的春季日劇收視爭戰中,他主演的「求」劇收視搶眼,遠超過有裴帥加持的日劇版「情定大飯店」,以及老前輩東山紀之的作品。該劇為「月九」黃金時段,山下智久在青梅竹馬的婚禮上,暗自後悔沒有及時告白時,幸好遇見紳士裝扮的精靈,得以回到過去,搶回心愛的女生,劇情很能打動女性的心,也成為目前日本討論度最高的電視劇。傑尼斯素有日本偶像工廠之稱,雖然捧紅了許多帥哥,但也常有同質性過高的批評。不過近來傑尼斯有系列地將旗下藝人推入戲劇界,磨練演技,從松本潤、山下智久到龜梨和也或二宮和也,都有相當不錯的表現。SOURCE: Yahoo Taiwan--------------------------- ...
hello!!!my eyes still not well!! i hate it!! i look so weird. hahas~ sinmei~ try no harm!! hees~okay... slack the whole day... and i met rongyi to study ard 5pm at plaza's mac. studied for 2 hours and had our dinner. peggie then came.. accompanied upstairs to eat her duck rice~ hahahas!!! went back to mac... rongyi said she dont wanna study anymore so all of us stop. chit chat.. then comes audrey. went to...
firstly,a HAPPY BELATED BDAE TO~-KOYAMA!!!-SUNMIN!!!secondly,HAPPY BDAE TO ANGELA YAP!!!MAY ALL UR WISHES CUM TRUE & ENJOY UR DAY OUT WITH UR FRENS!!!yoyo!! school today was okay. chinese, did nothing. so benedict, miaoxian, charmaine and i were talking about planes. ya~ aeroplanes!! hahahas~ we always chat during chinese lesson. pe, had my retest on shuttle run. get an 'A' for that. hahahas~ congrats to jeolyn for a perfect 'As'. hahahas~ claris~ u take care kies? okay,...
HAPPY BDAE TO MUMMY!!!MRS YAP!!!<3no paper today. watched a documentary.. it's about Global Warming. afterall, the show is okay lars..not that boring. we must save the earth!!! joanne is my foodmate~ hahahas!!! thanks chaywei for buying nuggets for me.. hahahas~ okays... tmr no paper too.. jiayou everyone!!!bye bye!! ...
yoyo!!!feel like blogging now...yes! i like my new study table alot!!!!! so spacious... and my room setting changed too. thanks to mummy!!! hope i can sleep well tonight..hahas!!! and and!! DBSG is just in front of me now!! so happy!!! i have to pack my stuff this weekend. chinese paper 1, 2, 3 today are okay. i almost screwed my paper 1. thank god i have the time!!! if not, i will cry. but somehow,...
shall post about the past few days...studied with peggie, audrey and friends over the weekends...sunday, i spent the whole day reading essays or stories.. hahahas~ i know it doesnt help much lars.. but at least i read. hahahs!!!so sian.. exam period.. hate!!!kies lars... im bored right now..i love yamapi!!!<3audrey, take care!!!oh ya... i am almost recovered already.. my voice is back!! can sing, can shout... hahhas~ ya... cant really sing cos cough not recover yet......
hellos!!HAPPY 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY FOR MY BLOG!!although i changed url in between but still a year old. hahahas~ from snowxue, newme-xuee, sing-datsme and now su-a-sings. =)today is the first day of exam. i was so nervous... to be frank, i think i wrote craps for my compo. for paper 2, i sort of understand the passages. thanks ssm for the memory u once i have the money. =D good buddy!! my new study table...
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