
by - Tuesday, August 08, 2006

alrighty...this week is free fer me..tmr half day..wed and thur holiday..some one jus call me out these 3 days kies...hahahas!! if nt i will jus rot at home..

todae sch was okie fer me..pe, did frisbie(nt sure isit spell liddat) again..im so crazy.we were learning how to catch and joy mastered it 1st..when i finally got hold of it, i jumped up and run ard the field..this was the time i almost got killed. amanda was throwing the frisbie but i was hopping ard dere..the thing jus came straight to my direction..ohgosh!! luckily i run away frm it last minute..hahahas!! if not it's gonna be a 'HAPPY ENDING'..hahahas!! huishin,hoy,nicole and amanda laughed at me fer this..LOLS!! den we play the game.our opponents were nt enthu..so we decided to make dem run..LOLS!! as in play the game lars..nt punish dem. my grp consist of the pple ive mentioned..LOLS!! we were so funny lars...do stupid things!! POA, mrs tan is BACK! FINALLY! i tink it's time fer me to study nw..cos i told myself when mrs tan comes back, i will pay attention to her..hehs!! actually, i dn really like the relief tchers.2 of dem spent 4 weeks jus on the 2 same questions..one of dem is responsible but full of nonsense..EL, did newspaper reading..was allowed to leave fer recess 1st cos i handed in my wrk =] maths, mr lee was in a bad mood...i dn noe why too..assembly, watched vids on crime..SS, hmm..an enjoyable lesson=]

aft sch, stayed with rongyi..chit chat ard...left ard 4 sth...my dae...

oh ya..my new skin is on the way..i tink i will spent my 3 days off doin it if im rotting at home. pls wait fer a few more days..i hope it will be a nice one..pla comment on it when i change kies?? =]

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