
by - Wednesday, June 28, 2006

wahaha~im so sick and blur todae!! i felt like a fool..hahas!! okies~it;s liddat..

i went to take class dairy fer my claz and rongyi's claz..den after morning assembly,we went back to class..haziq took the claz dairy and see..den he suddenly asked me,"xue'e, u sure this is our class dairy".i looked at him and said "yea". he said,"really? den y got david oei, david phua's name?"..i gave haziq a blur look..den i snatched ut back and checked..omg!! i took 410's dairy..hahahas!! haziq keep saying i sick till blur..hahahas!! so embarrassed lars..den poa lesson, so boring..prehaps cos im sick dats y i have no mood to study. ssm sat beside me and mrs wong made a fuss abt it..hais~no freedom being a student. den she commented me..she said,"i trust u..u are the role model of this class..i hope dey would learn positively frm u." sth liddat..i was lik...okays~wadeva..come on lars~doesnt mean tchers should treat a retainee liddat.why me and ben? dere are oso good retainees dat the class can learn frm..so fcuk up lors!! as if i like sitting dere..and pls it's nt u hu put me der..it's my form tcher hu shifted my place kies? dn say till u are very generous..den shld i thank u?? hais!! okiies~cos im sick so i will get agitated easily..force a sick gal to do so much..onli add up to my stress. i have to do things im nt suppose to do. had to take up more than 2 post..chairman and treasurer..and subject rep's thingy..omg!! i feel dat tchers are using me cos im the chairman. let me off can? if mr singh did nt nominate me i would nva ever be a chairman..refuse!! understand? every sub had a in-charge..im nt!! so stop askin me to do all this stuffs..i really hope tchers read this..i din hate anyone..it's jus dat im too stressed up..i dn wish to break dwn alrite?? had enough of it!!! bye!! END HERE!!

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