
by - Saturday, June 24, 2006

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hahas!! this is my JIE!! another god sis..she too wants me to post abt her..and im doin nw..hahahs!! aint i a saint..?
this sis of mine is veh caring, friendly, funny, cheerful...she alwaes cheers me up when im sad. she's alwaes der fer me when i nid someone..i love her lots..wahaha!! but she is veh busy with her work and i cant ask her out..sad!! hahas!!
jie!! u happy?? hahahas!! tink jenna gonna scold me again..hahahas!!

i am currently at erjie's hse again. cos gonna watch korea's match with switzerland..lala~xian fei is still at erjie's hse too..he's so hard to please..hahahas!! tired lars..gonna grab some slp 1st..3am den wake up if nt, i will have panda eyes tmr when i meet gfs..:)) ciaos!!

my blog song, shinhwa's "Once in A Lifetime"..nice rite??
will upload SM town's song if i got it..hahas!!

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