
by - Thursday, June 22, 2006

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okies...jenna asked me to post abt her...
she's a nice sister. i have 2 god sis and she is one of dem...she often mistake me as my fren, qiaoli..i dn noe why but i dn blame her fer dat..hahhas~dats wad i wanna post abt her...=))

audition todae din went well fer me. i forgot the lyrics..actually when i stepped in the room, my mind was blank like a blank piece of paper..im nt sad nor disappointed..jus onli wanna gain some experience so dat i noe wad to do next time..well, dere are alot of chances to pursue my dream..hahahs!! Xu huan liang was one of my judges..the other 2 i dn noe hu isit and i was too nervous to noe dem..wahaha~waited fer hours lors..damn hot and tired..hahhas!! thankies those hu wishes me..hahas!! im off!!

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