
Visuals #54 - Wanderlust

by - Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Came across this quote while browsing some other day.
If you ask me after working for 3 years, have I save a huge sum?
My answer is NO. Neither I'm a rich man kid. Just belong to the middle grp.

I'm rather contented with what I have. That's what my parents taught me. Never to be envious of others. We all have our capabilities. Really thankful to be my parents' child.

I'm not like many of you who start travelling with family since young. My first plane ride was in Sec 4 or 5? Went with school for exchange to Hongkong.
I stopped getting allowance from my mum when I gotten a part time job after O'level, while waiting for my poly years to start. Been in the same part time job till end of poly. It's was then when I started travelling often with my family and friends.

Now, a young adult, I can just plan and fly because I have an income. But I think planning is good. When, where you want to go? Grab hold of airlines promotions. Friends always asked me how come I can just booked a ticket and go? Urmm~ apparently the deals are great and I have plans to travel. Why not?

As I grow older, I always try to make it an annual thing to travel with my parents. Yes, a family trip. Anywhere we can go. My parents are aging, I want them to enjoy and see the world while they are still healthy. My grandparents never had the luxury to do this so it's a lesson I've received and my parents regretted. I wouldn't want them to be the same. It's a message to myself too. 

We often, many of us, sees money as important. Yes, it's important but not to compare to your health and life. Just be contented~ if you think travelling is a waste of money, then don't envy those who keep travelling. Because you have a choice. The world is big for us to step out to take a look. Take a break, not have a kit-kat, but a retreat for yourself after working so hard. Don't be a money-slave.

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