

by - Monday, December 15, 2014

wohkay! just a little rants in the midst of working.
I met many good people and bad people in my 24 years prolly minus off the toddler age.
I always forgive people easily even though I never forget what they did to me. When I say forget I mean is like 100% forgiven. Never known that "A leopard never changes its spot". I always feel that they did hurt people due to some circumstances. But afterall, when you think deeply, you feel it's just bullshit. I was just trying to lie to myself that everyone is good at heart.

In school, now in the society. You have such hypocrites going around backstabbing you unknowingly.
You also have some idiots who act smart but actually they are prolly the dumbest group in earth.
They will ask STUPID questions and make you go

I do not have the best solutions on how to survive at workforce. But just use your common sense. It's given for a reason. 
Oh~ I think being honest is the best. If you have made mistake for once, there's no wrong in admitting. Who doesn't make mistake? And of course, some people will make the same old mistakes for countless time. For that, either they don't use brain to work or they just simply can't learn.

Alrights! Back to work!

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