
2014; A year of New Beginnings

by - Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 have been a great year for me in an overview.
So here's my recap!

1. BKK with the baes!
Another trip locked with the girls. Although missing one in this trip. But still, we were happy to travel together!

2. First time to Korea - Seoul
Anyone who knows me should know I'm a kpop fan since 15!
Also, I am a Big Bang fan and my bias is G-Dragon.
BUT!!! I have never been to Korea. And I made it this year and I feel so happy!
Finally~~ guess what! I fell in love with the culture and almost everything.
Fashionista everywhere. Less judgements. Everyone dress in what they like, most importantly, they feel comfortable. You dont see people scanning each other head to toe.
I guess only Singaporeans do that. We have scanner insert in our brain.
Anyw!! I can't wait to go back to my second hometown!!

3. Changing of role
In life, we often have many opportunities. But all these doesn't come by easily. Once we missed it, we probably could not find it back.
I am really glad that I am given a chance to venture out after 2 years in my organization.
New role, new responsibility. So in August, I have changed department. Still in the same company but doing different thing.
Many asked me how was it. Is it better? It is 2 different jobscopes. I can't compare. But of course the current role is much more close to what I want to do and learn.

4. Maison de Posh - Online Shop
MDP has been very quiet in 2014. I have a lot of plans for MDP in 2015.
My first aim is to start afresh and of cos revamp on the website.
I can only thank my parents who gave me a lot of support always.
Dealing it alone is seriously tired when I am holding on to a full-time job at the same time.

Overall, 2014 have been a great year. Except some sad world news. I pray for a better year in 2015.
Some pictures to recap 2014!
See you in 2015!!

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