
x WEEKLY UPDATES x Red Star // The Conjuring

by - Sunday, August 04, 2013


오랜많아! ㅎㅎㅎ

Meet up with my polymates like a week ago. Havent been seeing them for quite awhile. Ohwells, cos everyone is busy with their own life now. But a once in a blue moon meet up is perfectly great!

Gift from Jovy to us. From BKK! I bought one last year and put it in my office. Now this is my room!! For me to shoot clothes & of course hang clothes that Im gonna wear. Basically my OOTD. hahaha!

Went to Red Star Restaurant with my partybombers yesterday! DIM SUM BRUNCH!!! YAY! Faviia & I were late and we took quite awhile to find the place. Why u so ulu? My mum actually know this restaurant! AND! WHY SHE NO SAY!? hahaha!
Im gonna try Wan Lok next round!! hehhee!

Thank you ah huan for posing! LOLS!

After Dim Sum, we caught The Conjuring! Omo~ really quite creepy and scary. I din know it was based on true story. hahaha! I think tinghuan & weilun were like 'WTS~ why watch this? Watch Turbo bu shi hao?' ahaha! 

Ohya~ I met Guohao & Chienying for dinner on fri! Sorry no pics.. Next time we should really take pics. Thank you CY for initiating this dinner! Really am happy. You never forget me! hahaha! Guohao's arm is like x10 of mine. AND! Thanks for downloading Fun Run on my phone. Now I keep playing~ I know I very lag cos me no game addict. LOLS!

Was really thankful to Donna @ shootingponies. Who the hell will put in effort to help you when the photoshoot was over, pictures were sent, money paid. She helped me alot! Due to my stupidity, my pictures were corrupted and I could not open it. I googled alot but still no help. Donna just willingly resend me the pictures. But I think Im a suay kid lars~ email also cannot send out. Until Friday, we used Dropbox. And FINALLY, I gotten my pictures back. I want throw away my buckkie thumbdrive and buy a new one. Thank you Donna!

For this collection, I engaged 2 new faces! 1 of them is Jaycelyn. She is first time shooting for blogshop. She is really tall! When I first contacted her, she was so willingly to help! Thanks babe! Hopefully, we get to work together again soon!!
Another model will be Sheena! She's the current Top Girl of THE FACESHOP. She's very pretty~ nice & sweet! Definitely gonna work with her again! :)) 
Oh~ we happened to be in the same primary school too! How coincidence! I asked her because I find her familiar. So happy to meet an old friend. :))

Anyws, we are all welcoming the long weekend this week! Cant wait to have my nice rest! LOLS! Already booked for singing session on National Day. Tentatively hittin the club on Sat. Hopefully the plan goes well.
That's all!

Lastly, Maison de Posh's new launch!! YAY! Shop now! The next post will be a special giveaway from MDP!!

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