

by - Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I do have many dressing style. From normal to very exaggerating(?), which most of my friends dont appreciate or find it weird. Don't some of you get weird stares when u dress up to go out? I guess most of you are. BUT! Who cares~ as long dont be a fashion disaster. IT IS NOT WEIRD! Have confidence!

My mum always tell me in the 60s 70s, they dress up very pretty. She don't understand why we are young and we don't dress. And when we are old, we want to dress like some young girls. I get what she mean. We have to change the way we dress as time goes by too. Wear something comfortable, nice, fashionable and most importantly, something that suits you.

I do match wrongly at times. And become a fashion disaster. So whenever u put something on and feel uncomfortable, quickly change that outfit :)

So... where do I get my dressing inspiration? Im gonna share w you guys now!! Ready? Set go!!

1. Some of you might know her. Bonnie Boston. Here is her blog: http://flashesofstyle.blogspot.sg/

A fashion blogger from NYC! Love her blog posts. Ive been reading her blog for quite some time. Love the pictures she took. Her style is more on girly. I love how she pull on prints like polkadots, floral. She looks so sweet on them. Of course her streetstyle is really good. Whenever I want a more casual look, I read her blog and search my wardrobe high and low to mix and match. hahaha!

Some screen shots of her blog:

2. Beth Jones. Here's her website: http://bjonesstyle.com/
I love her video posts of tutorials. Like makeup tutorials and hair tutorials. I used to have long hair and long fringe. So I always watched her videos and practice. Also, when Im sick of my current makeup especially my eyeliner, I watch her tutorials for inspirations. Her dressing style is really THUMBS UP! She always make me wanna dress like her and catwalk on the streets in NYC someday!!

Screenshots of her site:

3. Last but not least. Many of should know this fashion website. Where many fashion people will post fashion outfits on it. Link: http://lookbook.nu/

From male fashion to female. Street style to high fashion. This is a place where to find lots of fashion inspirations! Lookbook is my all time favourite! Without fail, whenever I am going out, I will on my computer and start scrolling the site for what to wear. To see if my wardrobe have similar clothings to bring out the stylish look. AND! TADAA! I will pick a few styles and start flipping my clothes. LOLS!

Shall share a few pictures with you guys!!

***Photo credits: To original owners***

That's all I have for where I go for fashion inspirations. I have a very wide range of styles. I don't stick just at one style. I play with fashion and I love it! You should too!! Doesn't matter if you are a male or female! Looks! Does not mean look good only. But also in your dressing. No ugly people in the world. If you think you are, then start changing yourself. Not doing surgeries. BUT! Start dressing! Find your style! YES! It may be a little uncomfortable at the start. But trust me, thats when your confidence is build up. And eventually, you will turn pretty or handsome.
If a person who is already pretty or handsome in looks, tell you why waste time on dressing and put on make-up, tell them 'it's because you respect yourself and others :)' 

There is nothing wrong to be pretty or wanting to be pretty. We aren't perfect in the first place. But we can make a difference to this imperfection :)


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