

by - Saturday, May 04, 2013

안녕 다들! ^^
Back to my updates.

I kind of forget what I did. So I will just write those i remember. okokok? hahaha!

Shoot my own blogshop first launch. But I think I brought myself some unwanted comments. But who cares!? I dare to do it, you dare? hahaha! Haters only know how to attack people with their brainless mouth. And they are totally brainless but some jealous creatures. My definition of Haters. Boohoo! Anyways, thanks for the jealousy. hahaha!

Went to Tinghuan's house to learn how to bake macarons. However, it was a failed attempt. Nonetheless, at least we tried. I think we somehow kind of happy. My Saturday was spent with them!! (Faviia, Tinghuan & Yee Chin) Thank you Yee Chin for the teaching and recipe. Thank you Tinghuan for letting us use your house! hehehe! 

Our pretty pinkish macarons to be!!!

Labour Day:Out with my cousin and friends! Been long since I went out with them.
Supposed to try PAUL but to some circumstances, we ended up lunching at far east plaza. 五只小熊. It's some taiwan food shop. Food not bad!! hahhaa!
Afterwhich, cousin and I went to have our haircut. And yes, I bid goodbye to my unglam long hair. Kept for years. Last short hair was in my poly year 1. hahaha! Thanks to Yvonne, my hair is pretty now! More confidence. I love my current hair. hehehe!
My OOTD of the day! Last shot with my long hair. :) I love this outfit.
Hello to my new hairdo! How how? Pretty? ahhaha! OMG!?!?
어때? 에쁘 지? ㅎㅎㅎ

Teabreak @ Paris Baguette!

Makeup done by myself. I love it. Not a confident person, but I tried to be one. Now, I dont care those negative comments. Im just gonna be what Im supposed to be. Me, myself, I.

Changes my blog layout too. Thanks to the person on the credits. Chance upon it. Gonna change Maison de Posh layout too. Back to editting.. Till then~

Thank you for reading!

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