
2 days MC

by - Wednesday, May 08, 2013


Yes! You are not seeing wrongly. I am freakin sick again. This time is so serious. I dragged myself to work today with a fever. I see stars while on the way to work but I managed to reach office. Just think that I'm damn strong! hahaha! Need a man? I guess not. hahaha!

I was giving myself too much stress lately and many of my friends would not know. Cos I'm not the kind who tell my problems to people. Maybe that is why I somehow have no friends who willing to hear me pour everything to them. Instead, I pour everything to myself. Well, my fault? I guess not so. Im the kind who cherish my friendship alot alot. Alot more than most of my friends. Ohwells, I am at the stage whereby I want to forget everyone who I know now. And meet new people, forming a new friendship once again.

Am always the last option on the list. Backup plan is me. Worse still, last backup plan when those infront of me rejected them. I always initiate outings or a short brunch, simple dinner, all I get is rejections and rejections. Even when I planned it advance, I get put on aeroplane. Am I really that bad? No one wants to tell me. Yet probably, they discuss about me behind (?). People look a me like I only eat good food, buy branded bags, money-minded. All I can say that YOU DON'T KNOW ME. Yes, I love eating good food, and who doesnt like? U tell me! I like visiting various cafes and I don't mind if the food is expensive. I just wanna explore the place. This is call eat good food? What's their definition of good food? I just wonder. I own lotsa of branded bags/wallets? Well, you can come my house and see. I only interested in them because I love fashion. I like dressing up myself nicely, follow trends. Is that wrong too? I don't think I deserve such judgement. In fact, I bought those with my hard earn money. I don't make anyone buy it for me. I can afford them myself. I don't go around telling friends nor some guys that I want this bag and make them buy for me. Sorry~ IM NOT THAT KIND OF PERSON. I want it I will get it myself.

Now, I just dont freaking care anymore. Judge me all u want because my parents and god know who am I. Only they can judge me. No one else.

When I get into a relationship, I will disappear from my friends. Family and boyfriend will be priorities. I used to be ranking both family and friends before boyfriend. But seems like friends around me is telling me boyfriend comes first. So when boyfriend or girlfriend not free, I am the backup plan to kill their boredom. Sorry, that will be the past. Now, I am changing my priority. I will not feel sorry. I will be selfish. That's all.

On a happy note, flying to Taiwan next week! YESH!! I need a getaway! Finally, I get to go on a trip with my family!!!!!! So gonna look forward to it. 

Anyways, went to cousin's baby shower last sunday. Girls talk with my 2 cousins who I don't get to see them always. They were asking me about my blogshop and also gave me some guidelines. Thanks so much! I welcome suggestions to improve:)

OOTD for baby shower! 

2nd collection is here! Can't wait for Sunday's photoshoot.
Be sure to check our sneak peak on our Instagram: @maisondeposh


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