
by - Friday, December 18, 2009

so rare that im still awake at this hour. hahha!
gonna slp soon.

so one of the big news lately will be that im back to single life.
you may think i treat it lightly. but i ever put my heart in it. no one will truly noes how i feel. i dont mind. no ones actually noes how i feel anytime. im used to it. and im fucking dont see the need to explain myself or should i say explain to anyone. it's my fucking business so why should i account to anyone. im just following my heart. i dont freaking care if the whole world blame me or thinks it's my fault. as long as i noe ive done the right thing and didnt do sth that is ugly wrong. im clear conscience.

to me, relationship is something that tied me up. i will have difficulty to breathe. and so sorry, im not that kinda person who can take it. i might as well die.
or maybe it's really not the right time to fall in love. he's really not the right one.

why am i saying all this.
haha~ i noe outside there, pple think why after a break up, i can still laugh as if nth happen.
haha! your are not me how u noe?
like i said, i dont fucking need to explain to you pple.


fuck the world.
fuck everyone.

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