

by - Monday, December 14, 2009

im back!

camp was quite fun except i was fucking sticky. my face damn cui for the first time! no sleep.. cannot wash up. hahaha! that's the bad thing about the camp. food was soso too. didnt have the appetite to eat:(

was in group Troga. i wish in could be in Ula. cos francis and mathew were the GL. hahaha! but i dont tink dey allow me to change. so i stick to my group. the feeling was a little like orientation. i dont noe anyone. but this time i open up my heart and try to talk. hahaha! get to know the girls cos my group only have 4 girls. like so pathetic. hahaha!
the guys were quite crazy... which liven up group spirit. get to noe some frens who are in BZE too. like raymond!! hahaha! as in not our classmate raymond. is from another lecture group. haha!
can i mention that i won best e-guides for Troga? they select 2 best e-guides from each group. i was super shock yo hear my name. cos i didnt do much. it was all the guys that do the most job. hehs!

went home at 4plus in the noon. super shag.
slept at 5pm... daddy woke me up at 8pm for dinner. read sms.
and i can conclude. you are damn exaggerate! u should noe i just came back from camp and will be super duper tired. but u just dont noe.. and i was sleeping how to reply u? and u went to tell ur fren dont noe wad! ur fren sms me.. i was like fucking having many question marks.
in the end, it's just that becos i never reply u. and u thought sth happen to me. that's very lame alright?
hais~ i dont noe wad else to say lars... when i heard from daryl, i was super disappointed with you. why u get so uptight for nothing. is really for nothing lehs. why have u always need to make the world know every single thing that happens?
why are you so dramatic and emotional?

to me, all these are nonsense. they doesnt make sense at all.
love isnt like this at all. hais~ i guess you wont noe wad i want.
you just assume and assume.

i am sorry for not celebrating out 2nd month today. i am really feeling damn tired cos of the camp. moreover, my menses came today. fucking suay.

im off now.
my hols are mostly booked! so pls double confirm with me with dates. check whether im free.
ya.. hols just gone like that.

my life now is super fucked up!
i really happy hanging out with my frens.
im really sad becos im attached. how envious to pple who are attached. yet they are happy!
hais~ fucking life!
can i just die and reborn?

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