
by - Saturday, October 17, 2009


my boyfriend wants me to update again!

meet boyfriend instead of meeting classmates. hahah! watched HAEUNDAE at cine:)
super nice kay! so touching... i anti-disaster! LOLS!
after movie, went to find daryl, shimei and boyfriend's frens. shop around with them..and we slack at mac. hahaha! boyfriend sent me home:)

work at m1 compass point. super boring:(
but am happy cos boyfriend come down and had lunch with me:)
and that cutie boy just surprised me after work. i thought who's following me. hahaha!
love you lars!
went food court or dessert and boyfriend sent me home:)

school starting on monday!
back to nerd mode. grr....
but i miss my classmates. hahaa!
and gonna buy chilli fries to lecture! LOLS!

boyfriend~ it's been 5 days:)
and i seriously love you lots!
thanks for trusting and loving me!
miss you!
i love your surprise!

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