
by - Thursday, October 22, 2009


it's the 4th day of sch.. and it's super boring.
now i seriously hate PSPS, emaths2 lecture and econs lecture. OMG!
okays.. so i have several project groups. i cant rmb who are my members for which modules.
start sch at 1pm today and end at 6pm. saw faviia today so we went sch together. after scg, went to eat popeye with classmates.

today we quarrelled.
i think it's my fault. even friends told me they do not noe how to continue replying me cos of my short replies. i feel bad seriously.
sorry boyfriend. i didnt mean not to meet you.
blame my personality.... i really dont noe how to express. i dont ask questions unless i really want to know or ask.
so sorry boyfriend~
i noe u wanna see me..
i will try to meet u whenever i can.
i promise i wont leave you.
love my boyfriend.

grr...i need to wake up super early tmr!
lessons start at 8am!!!!!!!!

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