
by - Wednesday, October 21, 2009


current i am at sch library slacking:)
lessons start at 9am today...hahaha! i almost couldnt wake up.
and i took 27A and change bus number 8....and i was late for lesson. however, saw a few classmates.

i seriously dislike my emaths2 and econs lecturers. hahaha!
break at 1pm.went cyber centre with raymond to configure our lappy. hahah! luckily, there's not alot of pple:) after dat, went buspark for lunch. hahaha! then, to cds tutorial. so sian. no one i noe. some more there's only 5 girls and one of dem wanna change class. so will left 4 girls. how pathetic. also, we will have individual and group proj. grr....

waiting for lecture now..hahhaa!

boyfriend and his frens are on their way to my sch:)
movie and dinner later..

Boyfriend, it's been a week.
i love you more and more as the day goes by.
like what you wish, i hope we stay together as long as we can:)
miss you!

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