

by - Monday, December 17, 2007


today passed damn quickly! hahas~

i went to the chalet yesterday. not as many people turned up. D: all the girls sat in front of the tv at 7pm. hhahas~ we watched Star Awards. when we saw kim jeong hoon and show luo (to some) walking out, all of us so HIGH! hahahas~ the boys were doing all the bbq. hahas~ thankies! we saw mr choo & ms ng. said hi to them.. when kim jeong hoon came out. the living room was so crazy! including me! hahahas~ i dont dare to say the full story becos i might get some eggs being thrown at me. hahahas~ however, waiting for kim jeong hoon and show luo to shown up, our butts were damn pain, same to our neck. hahas~ weitng should know. hahas!

and soso, the show ended. tuned to channel U to watch the after party. luckily, kim jeong hoon sang first. cos we were having a meeting. we watched the video that fariz edited. omg! can fariz sensored my face? and there were unglam pictures!!! WTH! hahahas~ we saw the dancing clip too. and my running pics. damn~ afterall, the whole video is nice! except for the credits. hhaahs! cos the creator was abit ...... hahas!

then, we talked about the travel fair thingy. many of them left. actually i should be too. however, weiting and i went up to the room. played guessing of cards. and u know the club became coli-flower (nt sure abt the spelling). ahaas~ i told the rest downstairs and it became the funniest joke. next, fariz came up and he asked to find for his watch. and he said his watch was in his pocket. WTH~ hahahas! second joke. then, mr tang came up. we played poker~ and i got cheated by weiting and mr tang!!!!! im too naive! ahahas~ later, we switched to play mahjong. that was the time, i decided to stay over night. becos there were not many staying. becos of fariz, we gathered everyone up and played indian poker. first forfeit was to drink a cup of green tea. second, a cup of water. thirdly, ice. then, otah. hahas! we proceeded by playing truth or dare. i almost beheaded fariz. hahahas~

we talked about the travel thingy again. soon, all of us went up to sleep. left at about 6am. reached home, bathed and watched tv while waiting my hair to dry. then, SLEEP! woke up at 1pm to watch jumong.

gonna sleep early today. i am damn shagged. hahas! my eyes' closing.

btw, my class next yr is 502, nt a very good thing for me. :D we are using this yr 403's classrm. hahas~ at level 1.

GOOD LUCK TO 408 & 410!
for ur results tomorrow!
same to my sister!!

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