
by - Monday, December 03, 2007

oh oh!
i have been sleeping late these few days. how?

shall not be like this ler! if not pimples are popping out! hahahas~ oops! finally, i've finished erjie's work! hope there are no mistakes! :D so proud of myself~

i was chatting with my HK buddy just now. she asked whether am i celebrating christmas! hahas~ i said currently there are no plans. hahas~ so who wanna celebrate christmas with me neh? it has been quite some time that i celebrated christmas. LOLS!

oh ya~ debbie and buk cheng both told me about HK chalet. however, i do not know whether i wll be free anot. hahahas~

tomorrow maybe watching movie witj joanne and weiting. i dont know who else~ haha!! i wanna wear my new clothes! hahahas~

GOONG S last episode next week! i will chiong home to watch! hahahas~



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