

by - Wednesday, December 26, 2007


came back from chongians gathering. went jianwei's house for steamboat. hahahas!
we started eating at 7+ i think. some people bought lots of food and we just cant finish everything. hahas!

played mahjong without money. hahhas~ then started gambling. hahahas~ i bet a little not too much. hahahas! then, we exchanged gifts. okay~ my gift was the best ever in the whole wide world! hahahas~ no one ever has it nor think of such gift before! hahahas~ i shall keep that as my lucky charm if it works and also when im in need of cash! hahahas~ anyway, thanks kampong! :D

oh ya~ wanna make a little complain. hahas~
i mentioned that on 24th, i went Swensen for dinner right? i was eating half way through, suddenly, a waitress took away the bottle of chilli sauce. fyi, i need chilli in order to eat. that's not the point, if she wants to take away, she must ask first right? cant she just open her golden mouth. that's so rude of her. hahas~ daddy agreed. we were like.. wth~ cant u ask before taking it away. i think they have to think over this matter lars.. hahahs!

secondly, was at singtel shop. when it's our turn, we told the guy that we wanna upgrade our plan. he answered us like we stole away his break time or what. luckily, his attitude changes... if not, i think daddy will just @!#%$# at him. hahahas! ;D

end of complain.

finally, i met chongians. finally, i get to see jenna, kampong, jasmine and janice!! and before we go separate ways, i get to see qiaoli, jianwei, chengwai and yehao. hahahs! when u guys have an outing, just give me a call kays? hope to meet u guys soon. we always meet like once a year only. meet more! hahahas~

2007's xmas passed liddat. new year eve is coming next.

to my girls~ i bought choco for u all lehs. small gift i hope u guys dont mind. for those who did not received, im sry ne! cos i dont celebrate xmas and this year was like so unexpected. hahahas~

i shall end here?

good nite!

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