
Good Days, Bad Days

by - Friday, April 07, 2017

"It’s OK – normal even – to have bad days and be sad.
And when you accept those days —  revel in them, even —  things start to look a little brighter.
Life is a series of uncontrollable ups and downs, and the most that matters is how you handle them."
 Credit: Elite Daily


Arrival of April.
Unknowingly, it's April. Spring has come (there's no spring here).
It's the month of exam..yes~ after 5 years, I'm into this student life (part-time). Somehow, maybe I have been worry too much, I've gotten more sensitive. I get moodswings every now and then. There are times I just wanted to be isolated and stay away from everyone.

However, I do think it can be a good thing. Sometimes, you thought turning to a friend helps. But when he/she doesn't even help and make you feel even worse, I rather you talk to yourself, give yourself some time alone take it as self-realisation/reflection and take a break from any sources that will affect your feelings.

Came across an article from elitedaily. Have to nod my head many times while reading it. We do not have to have a reason to be sad/angry/happy. Go with the flow. We are humans, it's okay to have such feelings. Not everyone can understand or needs to understand what you are going through. Everything you do, you have to answer to yourself. 

I'm feeling better...
So you will be fine too.

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