

by - Wednesday, March 14, 2018

#hseolahig is my hashtag on Instagram. When hashtag was introduced a few years back, I was interested in it and I created my own hashtag to save moments, that I would want to refer back in future.

As time goes by, this hashtag has become my holiday hashtag. It is now saving photos I took during my overseas trips. And I always post 'throwback' pictures. Due to lack of time I have to blog and share here if you need any reference to where to visit or eat in the countries I've been, feel free to type '#hseolahig' on Instagram. You may also DM me like where is the place because I usually geotagged them via country. I have requests asking me to share itinerary but my itineraries were not very well-planned. LOL~ Most of them, I only listed the places, cafes or shops to visit together with directions.

So don't be afraid of asking me about these places, I am really happy to be able to help.

Instagram: @hseolahcc

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