
Precious Thoughts

by - Sunday, October 20, 2013

Hi! Once again I am here to update.

I have decided not to do any updates for recent events in my life. Yet a just another post on my little thoughts inside (my brain).

Since young at age, my parents always taught me not to compare myself with other neither envying anyone. I guess when I say I do not compare or envy, it's a lie. Yes~ every human beings are envy of someone and we often hope that we could be like someone else.
However, when I have that thoughts, the only thing that heals me is my heart. It tells me not to think of it. Close my eyes and I will see the most beautiful world. It is the inner voice that heals the brain.

And recently, I am sensitive to little things like words from others, actions from others, especially my friends. Well, I am learning not to treat anyone as my close friends as of now. Because I know they are not gonna be there for me whenever I needed them. So I can say I have no true friends yet. I am still young at this age of 23, I have not explore the world yet. I do not know who else I will get to meet and among those I make friends with, who is going to be my one and only truest friend.

I am currently the most foolish human who cherish little things around. Be grateful to those who helped me. I always think the most beautiful part of humans. And so, when they did something or leave me, I feel totally betrayed and hurt. Now I know, none of them are beautiful... 
So... this foolish girl, me, decided to let go of everything I have tried to hold on. They are now useless to me. What comes around goes around, and I am making that happen. Learning to be selfish like how most of them are, learn how to dump them like how they dumped me, learn how to treat them like how they treat me. I am letting me becoming a devil. Because in becoming one, I can live my life like how I want it to be. Devil to those who are devils themselves. Angel to those who are angels.

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