
마음을 아파

Thursday, July 30, 2009 / BY hseolahcc
haha...not gonna blog veh long.i have no mood...no mood due to cough?i dont noe...wad i noe is i have not been crying...haha...i get upset easily again.:(im off to bed... ...

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where's my motivation?

Monday, July 27, 2009 / BY hseolahcc
hello!im not gonna blog everything cos i need to compete with time now.hahaha~yes... seriously hate sch this week cos of those sickening quizzes! !@#$%^&friday's samsung dinner and games @ sentosa was super fun! hahaha~ although my team didnt won top 3. haha!sat at citilink. soso..quite boring. chat with the 2 nokia. looked for lijia and joyce for dinner break! haha!sun, shopping with my mummy and sister. i am ETUDE HOUSE member!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahaha~ the member card is...

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bad girl...

Thursday, July 23, 2009 / BY hseolahcc
decide to blog before i go to my LALA Land.hahaha~i skip sch today. yes~ bad girl.was actually planning to see doctor cos i haven fully recover but den.. im lazy to queue and go through all those troublesome bla bla bla..as u noe now becos of h1n1...so i went out for breakfast with my mummy and my aunt. my little cutie is still as cute as ever.i went off with dajie and steven korkor.. cos...

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School can be fun too:)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009 / BY hseolahcc
안녕!this blog is lack of updates.yups!u must know...i have lots to do.and xuee has been studying:)recently, i am worry about my results. i seem wanting to skip lectures.so...i am trying to catch wad my tutors are talking during tutorial. LOLS!emath is the only i cannot understand. partly my fault but my tutor is at fault too. hahaha~anyways, i love my classmates. i dont know why, we seem to have know each other for quite long..in...

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start studying!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 / BY hseolahcc
hello!!im here to blog:Dsat:i met eileen at bugis. shop for chun kiat's pressie! and also for my bag. hahaha~i saw many desired clothes...and i will go back to get it! hahaha~went tampines to meet faviia and shihan. before meeting, we went long john to eat:)okay... at chun kiat's house.. basically it's filled with raymond's voice! cos he kept sing "The Eye of tiger"..wtf! like dont noe how many times! the pple playing mahjong wanted to...

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emo day, today.

Friday, July 10, 2009 / BY hseolahcc
my lack of updates.yes...yap xue'e is seriously lack of sleep! haha!however, i wanna update on previous days...but i have forgotten what i did.wth! i have bad memory! haha~so i will just update about these few days.we are done with our wrtoral chap 1. yes~ presented on tuesday.just read from slides cos we were not prepared. LOLS! we were even late for class cos of editing, printing. and we were like running from library to LT....

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really not free

Monday, July 06, 2009 / BY hseolahcc
hello!sorry for the lack of updates.i thought i would be free after busfund presentation.who knows, sickening wrtoral came with a lame project. hais~i am seriously lack of sleep and rest.having sore throat now....i will blog when im really really free.anyways, fyi,i am happy with my life now:) ...

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Wednesday, July 01, 2009 / BY hseolahcc
heyo!since i have a little bit of time, so i shall blog a little.hahaha~ytd, my class was super HIGH!it's k903's webcam day. hahaha!the funnier shots are all in FB. it's really funny that now i look through the pics, i can laugh out loud! hahaha~so during lectures ytd, we were not paying attention. hahaha!i think i love my class:D today...omg! bus super crowded. weiting and me were late. LOLS!so cute...tequan and shiyu called me one...

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