
At ah jiao's house:D

by - Monday, June 08, 2009

me currently at adeline aka ah jiao's house. LOLS!
the bird!

shall use her lappy to update. hahaha~

on friday, i met frens at amk to buy things. hehs~ den met cousin's frens to town. went hk cafe first. after dat, dey went shopping. LOLS! the rest came later....due to the pushing here and dere, we could not watch the 930 slot show. hahaha~ therefore, caught 1140 de. movie ended late...cousin's fren sent me home cos dey going eat -.-

sat and sun at m1 bugis.
sales were good! 90+ for both days..hahaha!
sat after work, met cousin to supper. met supper gang at punggol.
home den...
sun at work.
pple dere veh fun. shimei work at singtel so break together:)
after work, met jasmine...home together.
went erjie's house...and home.

adeline is ignoring me now...hahaha!
she super busy lars...
the songs are super boring...hahah!
me sleeping soon:)

am down for it show on thur-sun. m1 booth...

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