
daddy is hospitalised:(

by - Tuesday, June 09, 2009

i rot at home today! and i feel happy rotting at home. hahaha!
watched videos blabla...

also, i eat alot.
i had laksa at 11 going 12... den at 2plus 3, i feel hungry and cooked ramen. wth~ fat!!!
at night, i had kfc. wtf! ahahaha!

watched 福气又安康... only first episode..but i find it nice:)
try to watch it...
it's like dont noe how long long long since i watched taiwan dramas lers lohs!

anyways, daddy is now at hospital. tink he kana food poison:(
he came home and quickly dashed to the toilet. mummy and me think something not right.
and daddy shivers too. so mummy called the ambulance.
not sure his condition. think mummy will call back later:)
hope daddy will be fine.
fish dat fried rice he ate!!

tmr meeting 2 of my girls for shopping...LOLS!!
happy~ finally i get to shop shop shop!
meeting supper gang in the evening:)

so i will not be using the com from tmr onwards, i tink.
thur-sun will be busy working:)
i smell $$$..hahaha!!
just nice to cover my expenses:D

off now!
wanna complete my report:)

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